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我可以如数家珍地说出这些问题,然后坐下来,并不提供解决方案。I could recite these problems, and then I could sit down and offer no solutions.

会如数家珍地记得他们的好,会想像已经滑落在流年只外的他们是什么样子。Will fondly remember their good, imagine has slipped in time only and what are they like.

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我们中大多数都是看着动画片长大的,对卡通人物如数家珍。Most of us have grown up watching cartoons and becoming familiar with animated characters.

“我的母亲不识字,但是对于156首民乐,她如数家珍”,阿拉腾乌拉说。"My mother is illiterate, but she knows every word to 156 folk songs, " Aalatengwula says.

他是英语文学的研究生,对自己的专业充满热爱,而且如数家珍。He was an M. A. in English Literature for which his love was as great as his proficiency therein.

对于他的工作团队,他如数家珍,每个成员都有在国内国际知名的企业工作过的经历。He is familiar with members of the managing team, who all have work experience in prestigious corporations.

精通数字科学的人,对重量同测量如数家珍,他却无法引导你们前往那里。And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither.

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精通数字科学的人,对重量同测量如数家珍,可他却无法引导你们前往那里。And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure , but he cannot conduct you thither.

至于是否有比较中意合作的中国导演和演员,米勒也开始如数家珍。As for whether to have chinese director who and the actor compares the sino-italian cooperation, mill also starts veryfamiliar with.

现在住在爱荷华的某个人就可以在数字发表之前知道周末票房总收入是多少,并对电影幕后的人们如数家珍。Someone living in Iowa now knows the weekend box office grosses before they even hit print and is generally savvy to the people behind the movies.

除了通过互联网获取一些信息以外,参与调查的互联网用户对互联网的好处如数家珍。Besides get a few information through internet beyond, the internet user that participates in investigation is right theadvantage very familiar with sth of internet.

然而值得注意的是,这些国际品牌虽然价格极高,购物的顾客也不多,但很多顾客却能对它们的产地和特点如数家珍。It is noted that these international brands while prices high, not many shoppers, but many customers able to on their origin and characteristics of the very familiar.

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他谈论起默罕默德就像一个人谈起他的兄弟一样,如数家珍——他给她讲过默罕默德的生平,他娶了一个商人的遗孀,他与哥普特圣母玛利亚的通奸。He talked about Muhammad the way one would talk about a brother—he told her about Muhammad’s life, his marriage to a merchant’s widow, his liaison with Maria the Copt.

每一个选择跑步的人都在各种各样的场合都曾遇到过热心肠的批评者,他们会非常乐意,如数家珍地道出跑步会毁了你的一生的原因。Every person who takes up running has, at one time or another, been confronted by a helpful critic who is more than happy to reel off the reasons running will ruin your life.

当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不苟,精益求精。When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time, I felt the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time.

当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不苟,精益求精。When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time , I experienced the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time.

大鲨鱼问小树叶从哪儿来要到哪儿去,小树叶如数家珍地说了,大鲨鱼说,正巧,我也想游览来著,咱俩结伴而行罢。Sharks asked the little leaves from where to where you want to go, to say the familiar small leaves, large sharks that happened, I would like to tour with, we two go hand in hand strike.

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普拉纳夫对历任美国总统的名字如数家珍,还能倒背英语字母表,甚至还能轻松答出2000年的任何一天是星期几。The little boy can recite the names of the US presidents in the order they served and can say the alphabet backward. Give him a date back to 2000, and he'll tell you the day of the week.