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每个微雕的原料仅仅是一根牙签。Each sculpture was made from only one toothpick.

壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage.

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有趣的是,这件微雕作品还有一段“失而复得”的经历。It is interesting to note that Python works there is still a "stolen" experience.

我会精心为您做微雕,刻专项设计---发刻,牙雕,骨雕…等。请赶快联系我。I will make the custom design elaborately for you, please quickly contact with me.

微雕界有句行话,叫三分在眼力,七分在手上。There is industry jargon Python, called two-thirds of the eye, in the hands of seven.

微雕占用了肖特大量的时间,但他说自己的第二任妻子鲁巴十分支持他。Engraving takes up many of his hours, but he says his second wife Luba is right behind him.

在甘家大院的工作室内,罗兰带着记者一起走进了她的“微雕世界”。" Courtyard Gambari's work in the room, Roland took her into the press with the "Python world.

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天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在一个24克拉的金针针眼里雕出了奥巴马一家。Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.

他是在为女儿制作玩偶之家后开始微雕事业的。He began carving out his career in miniatures after making furniture for his daughter's doll's house.

微雕无法给人以直观感受,只有用放大镜才能领悟其中奥妙。Python can not give an intuitive feel, only with a magnifying glass to understand the mysteries of them.

完工后,罗兰起身去拿盒子想把作品收起来,可回来后却发现桌上的微雕不见了。Upon completion, the Roland boxes want to get up close up work may be returned only to find missing Python table.

长不盈寸的微雕作品看似不起眼,制作过程却极为繁琐。Inch long non-profit work of Python seems to attract much attention, the production process is extremely cumbersome.

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罗兰表示,由于销路不好,南京目前从事微雕制作的艺人已经寥寥无几。Rowland said that as a result of poor sales, Nanjing Python is currently engaged in the production of very few artists have.

肖特第一件主要的微雕作品是“上帝的祈祷文”,共计278个字母,刻在一枚金饰针的顶端。His first major microscopic achievement was engraving The Lord's Prayer, all 278 letters and of it, on the head of a gold pin.

目前在湘潭最安全、可靠的包皮手术方法是“韩式微雕绣式光离子包皮术”。Currently in Xiangtan the most safe, reliable prepuce operation method is" Korean Weidiao stitch type light ion prepuce operation".

他还曾为布拉德•皮特、安吉丽娜•朱莉、吹牛老爹、查理•卓别林、玛丽莲•梦露,甚至是辛普森一家创作过微雕。In the past he has created micro-sculptor of such stars as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, P Diddy. Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and even The Simpsons.

韩式微雕绣式包皮技术是强生独有的包皮包茎治疗技术,是临床治疗包皮效果最理想的治疗方法。Korean Weidiao stitch type prepuce is Johnson unique foreskin phimosis treatment techniques, clinical treatment is the best treatment method of prepuce.

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一些微型牙雕作品精美绝伦,这种微雕是在极小的象牙片上雕刻长文或山水,笔划细如发丝。Some miniature carvings are so exquisitely done, which are small pieces of ivory with long text or landscapes carved on them in strokes as thin as hair.

展出的120件作品,荟集了木雕、潮绣、发绣、通锦绣、瓷塑、通花瓷、彩瓷、陶瓷微书、象牙微雕、竹丝锦画等,其中不乏多次获得大奖的20多位大师之作。There were total 120 pieces of art works exhibited, including various of art forms such as wood carving, embroidery, ceramic, micro calligraphy on ceramics, and etc.

据英国媒体报道,现年64岁的英国微雕艺术家彼得·理查斯历时15年,借助放大镜,建造了一个拥有23个房间的微雕玩具屋。Peter Riches, a 64-year-old British miniaturist, has been working with magnifying glass in the past 15 years making a 23-room miniature dollhouse, according to British media.