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福建北面与浙江交界。Fujian is bounded on the north by Zhejiang.

在两座城市的交界位置出现了一道彩虹。There is a rainbow on the border of the tow citys.

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小围金路上的一条街,与女贞路交界。A street in Little Whinging, intersecting Privet Drive.

其中,尼泊尔和北阿坎德邦、北方邦和比哈尔邦有交界。Of these Nepal has borders with Uttarakhand, UP and Bihar.

阿姆河和菲尔尼甘河与阿富汗交界。The Amu Darya and Pyanj rivers mark the border with Afghanistan.

江西婺源,地处赣东北,与安徽、浙江交界,乃古代徽州府六县之一。There is no county quite like Wuyuan in Jiangxi province of China.

这里是湾仔轩尼诗道、卢押道交界。This is the intersection of Luard Road & Hennessy Road in Wanchai.

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江西地处东部沿海与西部内陆的交界地。Jiangxi is located in the boundary of east coastal and west inland.

发动机与供应系统的交界是在涡轮泵的进口法兰盘处。The engine-feed system interface is at the turbopump inlet flanges.

这是犹大人按着宗族所得之地四围的交界。These are the boundaries around the people of Judah by their clans.

导致交界后凸的因素仍未完全阐明。Factors causing junctional kyphosis have not been clearly elucidated.

奈梅亨荷兰东部的一座城市,临瓦尔河与德国交界。A city of eastern Netherlands on the Waal River near the German border.

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我们两国陆地不交界,并且我们有天下上最好的水师。We arent connected by land, and we have the greatest navy in the world.

辽宁内蒙古和河北交界地带的红山文化。Liaoning and Inner Mongolia and Hebei border area of the Hongshan culture.

但在埃希特纳赫镇,及卢森堡和德国交界,他们用跳来庆祝。But in the town of Echternach, near the Luxembourg-Germany border, they hop.

位于北角道与春秧街交界的行人通道。A pedestrian passage at the junction of North Point Road and Chun Yeung Street.

就相邻区域来说,我们指具有完整的公共交界线的区域。By adjacent regions we mean regions with a whole segment of boundary in common.

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组织学上可分为良性、交界性和恶性三类。In histology, it is divided into three types, benign, borderline and malignant PT.

目的探讨颅眶交界区肿瘤的分型及手术方法。Objective To explore the typing of and surgical methods for cranio-orbital tumors.

模块是一款创新性的、以经典1750型模块为基础的交界模块。The 1767 PA module is an innovative junction module based on the classic 1750 module.