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罗尼克说,“我现在飞去雷同崖。I will now fly to Thunder Bluff.

本年五大最受欢迎的男孩名与客岁大抵雷同。The boys' top five looks almost the same as last year.

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“雷同”在现今社会带给我们什么?What is "Identical" bringing us in the present-day society?

与众不同是成功的开始,雷同流俗是失败的根源。Succeed because of the difference, sameness cause the failure.

我们吃的是火腿三明治,但是车窗外的景色很雷同。We have ham sandwiches but the views are essentially the same.

10年前上主日学校,我跟特雷同班,我们就是在那儿结识的。I met Trey 10 years ago when we attended the same Sunday school class.

但是,不论是单干还是接受帮助,杰克逊的舞蹈大致雷同。But, whether he went it alone or got help, the result was much the same.

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而且绝对没有雷同或者非法复制的机会。”阿帕度拉说。Hence, there are no chances of duplication or piracy, " says Appadurai."

苏克雷同林肯坐在另一辆车内,一辆警车在他们面前开过。He’s sitting with Lincoln in another car as a police officer rolls past.

别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly!

白酒外包装雷同,白酒广告宣传浮夸。Four, white wine, liquor advertisements identical outer packing showiness.

如有与现实人物、地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。请勿。Any resemblance to existing persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.

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如有与现实人物、地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。请勿考据。Any resemblance to exsiting persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.

长久以来,中国很多小城镇的建设风格雷同,千城一面。For long time, a lot of construction styles of small town of China are similar.

因为某些因为,他们的装甲与442围攻营雷同。For some reason, their armor was identical to that of the 442nd Siege Battalion.

据说许多后现代主义的主要特征完全和赛博朋克雷同。Many of POSTMODERNISM's allegedly principal qualities fit cyberpunk like a glove.

崇尚个性,拒绝雷同!街头拍客锐意而生!Respect For Individuality, Rejected Similar! Street Photographer Come Into Being!

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你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在作出雷同区分。Your school may have done away with winners and losers, nonetheless life has not.

己乎所有的行为荒谬性均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from imitation those whom we cannot resemble.

涂敷乳霜与保养品的后果,和直接服用是雷同的。Commodities cream coated with the effect of maintenance, and direct use is the same.