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我们可以由衷地说。We are OK unfeignedly says.

我由衷感谢你的及时帮助。I do appreciate your timely help.

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热泪盈眶,由衷地感到自豪。I get goosebumps and tears of pride.

由衷的批评对我常有好处。A hearty slating always does me good.

我们由衷感谢他,开启了这个世界。We owe him a lot for opening that world.

最后由衷感谢您的评论与指教。Finally, thanks for your review and comment.

你应该由衷地鼓励你的学生。You should encourage your students by heart.

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国王和王后都给予了他由衷的爱。loved by the king and the queen from their heart.

主人带着由衷的喜悦接待了他们。Their hosts received them with unfeigned pleasure.

丹麦为中国的成就感到由衷的高兴。Denmark welcomes and applauds the success of China.

我由衷感谢大家在筹备期间的辛勤付出。I appreciate your hard work during pre-opening period.

由衷感谢您,我孩子尊敬的老师。My sincere thanks to you for being my child's teacher.

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你只要向神由衷的表达出真实的你。You just talk with him in a genuine and heartfelt way.

一个成熟、安静和理智的年轻小伙子---我由衷地喜欢他。A mature, quiet, sensible young lad – I genuinely like him.

对澳大利亚的发展和进步,我感到由衷欣慰。Australia's development and progress, I am sincerely pleased.

我们由衷地钦佩他的认真和有自知之明的讽刺艺术。We would admire both his earnestness and his self-aware irony.

但是,另外一些工作的人由衷地喜爱工作。But another group of working people love their work unfeignedly.

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“当看到我自己建造的风机开始运转的时候,我感到由衷地高兴,”他说。"When I see my wind turbines turning, I feel very happy," he says.

印华环保由衷感谢广大顾客朋友为公司的发展所作出的贡献。We sincerely thank our customer to support us for our developments.

本赛季博列洛表现出色,进球颇丰,我为他感到由衷的高兴!Borriello is playing well, scoring a lot and I'm very happy for him.