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还有妈妈的教诲?Their mom?

我永远也不会忘记她给我们的教诲。I'll never forget what she taught us.

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能够接受教诲,“勇于认错”的人,大都进步得快。Those who admit their faults can advance.

这些画的底子目标是给人娱悦和教诲。Their basic aim is to delight and instruct.

教诲如春风,师恩似海深。Teachings such as spring, SHI like deep sea.

亨利.鲁姆斯铭记他的教诲。Henry Loomis took these words very seriously.

漫长岁月给人的教诲远胜于几天的经历。The years teach much which the days never know.

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而这仅仅是他教诲的开始。And yet that is only the beginning of his teaching.

孔子的教诲以仁为中心。The teachings of Confucius are centered upon charity.

再也听不到你的教诲,对我来说,真是遗憾。You no longer hear the teachings, for me, really sorry.

另外,生均教诲费的累退性在低落。In addition, the progressivity of education fee dropped.

对父母的教诲,我要恭敬地倾听。When my parents instruct me, I will listen respectfully.

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谨遵小萍姐姐教诲,认真学英语。Jinzun Xiaoping sister teachings seriously learn English.

他还拿杰克逊赛前对他的“教诲”开起了玩笑。Then he joked about Jackson's pregame discussion with him.

我问,怒气未消,但充满好奇,甚至准备聆听教诲了。I asked, still angry, but now curious. Even ready to learn.

因为您的教诲,我们的世界充满缤纷色彩。Because you teach, our worlds are filled with a riotous color.

我爱老师,因为我们的成长离不开师长的教诲。I love the teacher, because we grow without teachers teaching.

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教师们用古老的东方冒险故事来教诲小学生们。The teachers brougt the pupils up on stories about the Old East.

教师们用古老的东方冒险故事来教诲小学生们。The teachers brougth the pupils up on stories about the Old East.

约翰仔细倾听老师的教诲并遵照执行。John listened carefully and carried out the teacher's instruction.