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这个人常在我家周围转悠。This man does hang about the house.

他老在旅馆这儿转悠,想要干什么?What's he sucking around the hotel for?

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所以,即便你在伦敦转悠,So even if you're walking around from London,

昨天我们开着车在诺丁汉转悠。Yesterday we tooted around Nottingham in our car.

昨天我们开着车在诺丁汉转悠。Yesterday we tootled around Nottingham in our car.

你在我凳子边上转悠,和蓝梅一块玩儿。You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums.

“他刚才在到处转悠来着,”穿白大衣的人说。“He was just wandering around, ” the white coat answered.

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我就那么转悠了几天,最后,就飞回去了。I walked around for a couple days. Eventually, I flew home.

一只月巴得圆滚滚的棕色母鸡正在四周转悠,啄食零星谷粒。A plump brown hen was pecking around for stray grains of corn.

他驾驶着蓝色的雷克萨斯四处转悠,显然日子过得不错。Driving around in his blue Lexus, it's clear he has done well.

你为什么在这儿转悠?还没到晚饭时间呢!What are you hanging around here for? It's not suppertime yet!

一个个都把自己整得像个陀螺,没日没夜的转悠。A whole have their own like a gyroscope, around the day and night.

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那儿有一个大喷泉。我们常在喷泉边转悠。And then there's a big fountain. We used to hang out at the fountain,

今天我们雇了一位司机载我们到城西的两间喇嘛庙转悠。Today we hired a driver to take us to two more lamasaries west of town.

你也许喜欢旅游,或者你也许更喜欢在家转悠。You might love to travel or you might prefer to putter around the house.

我看见有几个人常在你家周围转悠,你那里发生什么事了?I saw some persons haunting around your house, what's the matter with you?

他们也许觉得让一条狗在办公室里四处转悠会影响到他们的工作。They may not want a dog diddling around the office and disturbing their work.

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您没看见黑鹂么?它正在你身旁女人的脚边转悠。Do you not see how the blackbird Walks around the feet Of the women about you?

我们看到一只巨大的东方蓝鲸摆动着尾巴,围着锅炉转悠。We spot a massive eastern blue groper wagging its tail and circling the boiler.

他在门口转悠了一整天,企望有机会同局长谈谈。He hung about the entrance all day, hoping for a chance to speak to the director.