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伊索,小说家,天才骗子。AESOP, novelist, nature faker.

狄更斯是位多产的小说家。Dicken's was a fruitful novelist.

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现代小说家都是异性恋主义者。Heterosexist as modern novelists are.

他是小说家陆陆天明的儿子。He is the son of novelist Lu Tianming.

她像小说家那样充满激情地写。She writes with passion like a novelist.

海伦·哈比拉是尼日利亚诗人和小说家。Helon Habila is a Nigerian poet and novelist.

那位小说家已沉寂了多年。We've heard nothing from the novelist for years.

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海伦是澳大利亚非常著名的小说家。Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.

在中国为什么不能有优秀的推理小说家?In China, why not have a good reasoning novelist?

小说家欣然接受了批评家们的高度赞扬。The novelist lapped up great praise from critics.

他的头发变得花白了。我是个从律师改业的小说家。His hair turned gray. I am a lawyer turned novelist.

我最喜欢的美国作家是一位小说家。My favorite American author right now writes novels.

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法国小说家科莱特给女儿的建议。French novelist Colette giving advice to her daughter.

二月河先生是一位清史演义题材的著名小说家。Mr. Er Yuehe is a celebrated novelist on Qing Dynasty.

他们试图诋毁小说家的名声。They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist.

他被认为是当今最优秀的小说家之一。He is bel ie ved to be one of the best living novelists.

而法国小说家勒纳尔则大声疾呼道,“谦逊吧!它是一种最不能冒犯别人的骄傲”Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend.

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朱莉亚·勒维林,记者、小说家,目前居住在伦敦。Julia Llewellyn lives in London and works as a journalist.

托马斯?哈代是英国著名的小说家和诗人。Thomas Hardy is a well-renowned English novelist and poet.

在我看来这个学生就像村上春树笔下未经训练的小说家。To me, this student is like Murakami’s untrained novelist.