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草坪椅?Lawn chair?

这草坪的草该割了。The lawn needs mowing.

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我们需要给草坪剪草了。We need to mow the lawn.

我们要把草坪贴地修齐。We'll cut the lawn close.

他跳到了草坪上。He bounces onto the grass.

他忙于在草坪上干活。He busied himself in the lawn.

草坪上长满了杂草。The lawn was grown with weeds.

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我们每天给草坪洒水。We sprinkle the lawn every day.

皮球跳到了草坪上。The ball bounces onto the grass.

草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。The lawn was crawling with ants.

他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。They are lying on a grassy lawn.

该是给草坪上肥的时候了…It is time to fertilize the lawn.

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在草坪上撒上草籽。Scatter the lawn with grass seed.

请勿践踏草坪!Please do not trample on the lawn.

他们在草坪四周种了些玫瑰。They planted roses round the lawn.

穿双坡跟鞋,可以在草坪上跳舞。Wedges, so I could dance on grass.

园丁正在修整草坪。The gardener is barbering the lawn.

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草坪是银色的并且闪闪发光。The grass was silvery and sparkled.

兔子掘地洞一直钻到我们草坪上。The rabbits burrowed into our lawn.

把草籽撒在草坪上。Distribute grass seed over the lawn.