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这样的避难所寥寥可数。Such refuges are few and far between.

到会者寥寥可数。Very few people were present at the meeting.

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每次表演结束,还能自己动弹的铁武士就寥寥可数了。By the end of his shows, only a few iron beasts still move.

马来西亚街头的书报摊,华文杂志寥寥可数。Few Chinese magazines can be found on the newsstands in Malaysia.

尽管我们现在还是会崇拜树神,但如果这些人真的存在,也是寥寥可数。We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods.

想想看,去到法庭然后只是看到寥寥可数的人在那边默默的守着。Imagine coming to COURT and to see just a few dozen of people there.

环顾各行业,亦只有寥寥可数的公司能取得这样的成绩。Looking at various industries, only very few companies can achieve such results.

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更值得称道的是吐温能声誉长存赖于他只作了寥寥可数的几本书。Still more remarkable is that Twain's reputational longevity is based on so few books.

对于那些担心自己白发的头发有只有寥寥可数的替代品。For those who are worried about their greying of hair there are only a few alternatives.

世界上,足以媲美香港,能够这样迅速有效地完成重大工程计划的城市,寥寥可数。Few cities in the world can top our record in delivering major works project so quickly and so well.

Hammerschlag说,它们不能应用到鲨鱼袭击人上面,因为这种事寥寥可数。They can't really apply to shark attacks on people because those are so infrequent, Hammerschlag said.

财政是本次峰会的主打议题,而美国总统奥巴马在该议题上的收获寥寥可数。US President Barack Obama left having achieved little on the fiscal issues which dominated the summit.

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很不幸,目前市场上能装适合加装水下广角的相机真的寥寥可数。Unfortunately, very few cameras available today are compatible with these essential underwater lenses.

广东这边是不下雪的,但是往时记载曾下过小雪,不过也是寥寥可数的几次。Guangdong side is not snow, but when the record to have been to light snow, but also the very few times.

美国卓异论?我想我们的未来就像巴西一样——寥寥可数几个富豪周围是饥饿的大众。American exceptionalism? I think we are going to end up like Brazil-a few rich surrounded by the hungry masses.

时过无数代之后,我们在这里对寥寥可数的几位仍值得期待的伟大作家评头品足。For there is a judgment of after ages which few great writers have ever been able to anticipate for themselves.

但是,记者从多家房地产经纪公司获悉,签订补充协议的寥寥可数。However, the reporter learned from the many real estate brokerage companies, signed supplementary agreement few.

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然而张启山身边只剩寥寥可数的亲兵,他决定不退缩,跟大家死守长沙。There are only a handful of QinBing Zhang Qishan side, however, he decided not to retreat, with everyone to changsha.

中国的载人宇宙飞船的发射,使中国成为寥寥可数的可以发射载人飞船的国度,杨利伟的成功。China 's manned spacecraft launch, make China becomes very few can launch manned spacecraft, the success of Yang Liwei.

本港超过九成的中小学学额由政府资助,完全没有接受政府资助的私立独立学校寥寥可数。Over 90 per cent of the school places are government-funded. Few private independent schools operate entirely on their own.