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我放慢了脚步。I slowed my step.

观众们鼓掌的频率放慢了。They clap slowly.

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他放慢了坐骑的速度。He pulled his mount.

列车放慢了速度。The train slowed down.

让我们放慢一点Well let's just go slower.

但那仅能放慢他的侦查进程。But that just slows him down.

他放慢马速,使之缓步而行。He slowed the horse to a walk.

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放慢速度吧“Let's slow down a little bit."

放慢点,你们走得太快啦!Ease up, you're going too fast!

直到愤怒开始褪去,我才放慢了脚步。As that started to ebb, I slowed.

语速放慢、发音清晰。Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.

在这里最重要的就是要放慢速度。The main advice here is to go slow.

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驾驶员放慢了火车的速度。The motorman slowed down the train.

欺骗者们总是在放慢诉讼程序的速度。Fraud always slows the process down.

开设新馆的步伐已经放慢。The pace of new openings has slowed.

放慢马儿走得意味深长And slows his horse to a meaning walk

经济似乎正在放慢速度。The economy seems to be downshifting.

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当他劳累的时候他放慢了速度。He slackened his pace as he got tired.

然而展望未来,NIESR预计成长将放慢.However, NIESR saw slower growth ahead.

太阳越来越热,他的脚步也随着放慢了下来。He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot.