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回味,触动心弦的遐想。The fancy of the touch heartstring.

他微微一笑,顿生遐想。He was in reverie immediately with smile.

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在这些沉思遐想中他的骄傲情绪消失了。In these meditations, his pride vanished.

在本质上,火车引人遐想。By their nature, trains invite imagination.

她坐在窗边神思遐想。She just sits by the window and dreams away.

奶奶的呼唤声,让我从遐想中走了出来。Grandma's voice, let me walk out from daydream.

爱情,在静穆中生长,又在遐想中浓郁。Love grows in reticence and matures in reverie.

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一种令人遐想的宁静弥漫于苏格兰圣岛。A thoughtful calm pervades Scotland's Holy Isle.

然而有趣的是,这并非仅仅我个人的遐想。Interestingly, though, it was not just my chimera.

错落小岛,迫人遐想无穷。Scattered islands, forcing people endless reverie.

你能遐想他买那车花了几许钱吗?Can you imagine how much he peottom for that only car?

这里的洞穴令人遐想,还有稀有的水晶石。There are huge fanciful caves with rare crystals here.

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那种遐想有时会使他说出一些怪话。This revery sometimes caused him to utter odd sayings.

美丽的大天鹅,给人们带来无限的遐想。The whooper swan is a bird to inspire flights of fancy.

看日落而不兴遐想,几乎是不可能的。It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.

一只山鸟的晚歌打断了他的遐想。A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song.

而自己常卧于舟中,陷入深深地遐想。Rousseau would lie down in the boat and plunge into a deep reverie.

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帕罗特把这条生机勃勃的小道比做是引人遐想的情侣路。Perrot likened the vibrant path to a dreamy, metaphorical lover's lane.

这之后他落入遐想,沉思地缓缓喷出雪茄的烟来。He fell into a reverie after this, and puffed meditatively at his cigar.

他咬牙切齿,在盘算如何毁灭敌人的遐想中打发时光。Thinking only of some utter destruction and disaster, he bided his time.