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这个陈述误传了我的意图。This statement misrepresents my intentions.

——威尔·杜兰特,这句话常被误传为亚里士多德的名言。Will Durant, though often misattributed to Aristotle

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市场上存在许多有关黄金的误传。There’s a great deal of misinformation around about gold.

对于艾滋病的沉默、误传。and silence, stigma and misinformation about the disease.

中国人有责任扫清误传。Chinese have responsibility to clear away the misinformation.

这往往被误传为一个城市传奇,实际上是真实的存在。This often is mistaken as an urban legend but it really happened.

历史上,名人们的引语经常是误传的。Throughout history, quotes of famous people are often misrepresented.

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达尔文实际上并没有这样说,但他一直误传至今。Darwin didn't actually say this, but he's been misreported ever since.

关于健康的破坏物铍的无知和误传是很顽固的。But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard.

据武术史学家唐豪考证,张三丰创内家拳和太极拳之说均系误传。Yet, all these are wrong , according to the studies of Wushu historian-Tang Hao.

她说,关于该法案向巴基斯坦提出要求的说法纯属“误传”。She said there has been “misinformation” over what the legislation requires from Pakistan.

真相中会参杂着恶意游说支持误传。There is a mixture of truth competing with mal-intentioned-lobbyist-backed misinformation.

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不听误传的信息,不听过于简单化的信息,不听信宣传,甚至不对上述内容做任何评论!Don't just listen to the misinformation, oversimplification, and propaganda, say something!

我国近几年有很多地方都声称发现了蜂鸟,其实都是误传。China in recent years many have claimed to have discovered a humming bird in fact misinformation.

这会导致对企业数据源中包含的数据的误解和误传。This can lead to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the data contained in the enterprise data source.

由于推进到南部地区,军方同时声明,从猛虎组织控制区传出的消息实际上都是误传。As it advanced south, the army also said that all voices speaking from the Tiger-held zone amounted to misinformation.

肯德基后来承认此做法,但是驳斥了该公司误传豆浆是用碎黄豆制作的指责。KFC later admitted the practice, but refuted allegations that the company misrepresented it as milk from ground soybeans.

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泡沫塑料行业对于产品不环保的观点并不认同,认为这是误传。The plastic-foam industry disputes the notion that foam is less environmentally friendly, chalking it up to misinformation.

百度声明发布后,媒体广泛进行了客观公正的报道,某些误传、谣言迅速止息。After Baidu statement is released, media had the story of objective justice extensively, certain canard , rumor ceases quickly.

指出这一误传是特定的历史环境与普遍的历史误读两方面的理由造成。The article thinks out that the special historical environment and the common historical misinterpretation cause the misinformation.