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不犯错误的人将一事无成。He who makes no mistakes make nothing.

我真是个窝囊废!一事无成!I'm such a loser! I achieved nothing !

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如果我从不尝试,就会永远一事无成。If I never try, I’ll never achieve anything.

杂乱则一事无成,而又紧张无比。Disorderliness will make nothing and nervous.

如果你不勤奋工作,最后将一事无成。If you don't work hard,you'll fetch up nowhere.

如果你缺乏意志,你永远将一事无成。If you lack willpower, you can achieve nothing.

如果你不勤奋,最终将一事无成。If you don't work hard, you'll finish up nowhere.

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如果他不付出劳动,将永远一事无成。He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work.

你说得对。在鲁昂这个被占领的地方我们只会一事无成。I agree with you. We can do nothing in occupied Rouen.

他拖延耽误以致一事无成。He procrastinated until it was too late to do anything.

沽名钓誉的人最后将一事无成。Those who fish for fame and honors will end up nowhere.

我一生一事无成,真是个失败的人。I haven't done anything in my life. I am sush a failure.

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但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。But you may try many new things but end up masteringnone.

他确实是一位才子,但没有他妻子,他会一事无成。He's a real intellect, but he's nowhere without his wife.

你完全有可能努力工作却一事无成。You could work hard at something without getting far at all.

如果不依靠群众,就将一事无成。If you don't rely on the masses, you will accomplish nothing.

在资本主义社会里,人没有钱则一事无成。In a capitalist society one cannot do anything without money.

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有人骂他笨蛋,说他会一事无成。While some say that he is a slob who will accomplish nothing.

不过,你也可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。However, you may try many new things but end up mastering none.

就像那次热潮一样,这些思想大都一事无成。As happened in that boom, most of these ideas will come to naught.