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您是如何知道青苗国际双语学校的?How did you learn about Beanstalk International Bilingual School?

青苗的课程设置注重发展学生在不同领域的不同技能。BIBS curriculum focuses on strengthening students' skills in a variety of areas.

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青苗餐厅的经理也希望通过倾听委员会的建议,为我们提供最好的服务!Restaurant manager is looking forward to our comments in order to provide the best service ever!

吉姆一天早晨醒来,发现一个工厂,很喜欢生长在窗外青苗的。Jim woke up early one morning to find a plant that was very like a beanstalk growing outside his window.

青苗餐厅的经理也希望通过倾听委员会的建议,为我们提供最好的服务!The Beanstalk Restaurant manager is looking forward to our comments in order to provide the best service ever!

青苗学校为幼儿园和小学的孩子们开设可供选择的夏令营。Beanstalk School hold an optional summer camp for nursery, preschool, kindergarten and primary school students.

农用地转用价格由农用地质量价格、农用地社会价值量、地面附着物及青苗补偿费三部分组成。The price of changed agriculture land is composed of quality price, society value and ground attachment compensate.

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最近我们增加了在西西里晚祷,并正在努力半岛青苗更多的权限与发展。Recently we added in Sicilian Vespers, and are working on Peninsula Italica with more with permission for development.

本实用新型属于生产供移载机使用青苗的育苗纸筒的设备。The utility model belongs to a paper drum device for growing seedlings, which produces young plants for transportation machines.

攀登到顶部的青苗,他发现了一个城堡和一个巨人,但非常现代的问题,只有吉姆可以帮助解决。Climbing to the top of the beanstalk, he found a castle and a giant, but with very modern problems that only Jim could help solve.

青苗法的失败说明王安石变法企图通过重敛于民的办法摆脱财政危机是行不通的。The defeat of green shoots law in Wang Anshi political reform showed that to get rid of the financial crisis by heavy taxation from farmer.

青苗会馆将为学生和家长,提供从早到晚,周一至周末不间断各种丰富的活动。Activities, courses and events will be scheduled throughout the day, during evenings, and also on weekends for children, parents and the whole family.

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七夕节的另一个习俗就是向银河祈求好的收成,有些地方还举行“青苗会”。" Another custom of the Seventh Evening Festival is praying to the Milky Way for a good harvest. Some places hold "Qingmiao" or "Young Crops" parties.

征收耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。Compensation fees for land expropriated include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land.

汉人的仪式专家游走在汉藏之间众多村落,不同人群以此从思想上认同青苗会,从行动上进行族际交往和生产互助。Thus different people identify with the organization in their thought, make contacts between ethnic groups and conduct production cooperation in their action.

一致的进度报告和反应沟通是必需的。我们的发展原则,作风松散如下敏捷。我们用下午拉力赛,为SVN的青苗。Consistent progress reports and responsive communication is required. Our development style loosely follows Agile principles. We use Rally for PM, BeanStalk for SVN.

被征收土地上的附着物和青苗的补偿标准,由省、自治区、直辖市规定。The standards for compensating for ground attachments and green crops on the land expropriated shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

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高原青苗会所创造的文化多样性的组织模式,为人类学的社会组织研究和族群理论提供了一个地方性的中国经验。This organization model of cultural diversity built by highland Qingmiaohui provides a local chinese an example for ethnic group theory and anthropological organization study.

征收耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。Compensation for expropriated cultivated land shall include compensation for land, resettlement subsidies and compensation for attachments and young crops on the requisitioned land.

被征收土地上的附着物和青苗的补偿标准,由省、自治区、直辖市规定。Rates of compensation for attachments and young crops on expropriated land shall be prescribed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.