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乔斯·温登是黑客!Joss Whedon is a hack!

像电影“黑客帝国”里“See also "The Matrix."

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间谍与黑客侵入。Espionage and hacking attempts.

想成为一个内核黑客吗?Want to become a kernel hacker?

美国政府招黑客。US government hankers for hackers.

黑客帝国三部曲---凯瑞·安·莫斯Carrie-Ann Moss — The Matrix trilogy

这样的规定是因为担心火灾和黑客。Yes, for fear of flames and hacking.

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我们的主页被黑客攻击了。Our home page was attacked by hackers.

但我们知道甚至这也可能遭到黑客攻击。But we know that even this is hackable.

我是一名黑客,以上是我的宣言。I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.

而黑客无一例外都是爱耍聪明的家伙。And hackers are invariably smart-alecks.

某些黑客还能从帐户中提走钱。They also can remove money from accounts.

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中国也是黑客攻击的受害者。China also falls victim to hacker attacks.

黑客这窃贼把我搅扰。I was bothered by a pilferer named hacker.

最聪明的黑客来自哪个国家?WHICH countries have the cleverest hackers?

在技术层面和黑客社区风尚。on both the technical and folkloric levels.

你看,各种黑客我都玩得转。Because, you see, I do all the hacker stuff.

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什么玩艺有黑客语言支持?What IDEs have support for the Hack Language?

好了,小眼镜,黑客入门教程准备好没?All right, glasses, you ready for Hacking 101?

我们电脑黑客喜欢深入到事物内部。We hackers like to poke at the guts of things.