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二元性不适合软弱无力的心。Duality is not for thefainted heart.

那把刀从他软弱无力的手中落下。The knife fell from his nerveless hand.

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哪一个软弱无力的洗衣女工想要看?Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch?

软弱无力的人不会保卫他自己的家。The pusillanimous man would not defend his own family.

你只会让虚假的期望在你软弱无力的回应中建立起来。You only build false hopes with wishy-washy responses.

一个衰弱,软弱无力的笨蛋,缺乏敏捷的活力。A weak, nerveless fool, devoid of energy and promptitude.

由于太热,那些花都软弱无力地躺在地上。The flowers drooped down to the ground, because of the heat.

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其核心理念是让你做事或讲话不再显得软弱无力。The idea at its core is to stop being, or sounding, "wishy-washy".

自然在推论上的软弱无力,可以用磁力的例子来证明。Such a feeble exemplification of the syllogism may be seen in the magnet.

记得那些老电影中软弱无力的女性被发现正怀有身孕吗?Remember those old movies in which a woman who faints is found to be pregnant?

考官认为那些握手软弱无力的学生更胆小,留下的印象更淡薄。Students with ' wimpy ' shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive.

杰克改变他文章里那种软弱无力的风格,采用了更大胆的语调。Jack changed the milk-and-water style of his articles and assumed a bold er tone.

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在厄尔尼诺发作期间,信风连续几个月软弱无力,有时甚至倒转风向。During an El Niño, the trade winds falter, and sometimes even reverse, for months.

第二个原型是受气的女人,导致她的肌肉软弱无力。The second was the female victim, great weakness and complete lack of physical tonus.

布朗本人也曾保证过给这个停滞不前、软弱无力的政府带去新的能量,但是很明显他失败了。Mr Brown himself has failed signally to breathe new energy into an exhausted government.

苔丝过于悲伤,再也说不下去了,就软弱无力地瘫倒在一把椅子上。Tess was so shaken that she could get no further, and sank a helpless thing into a chair.

软弱无力地点点头,“把他带走,”他轻声说道,“快点,就像你杀死暗黑之星一样。”Armon nodded faintly. "Take him then, " he whispered. "Quickly, as you did the Darkstar. "

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在这两个系统中,占绝大多数的人口都是平等而软弱无力的。In both these systems, the overwhelming majority of the population is equal and powerless.

我们装作头往后仰,四肢软弱无力,像死人的一样垂挂着。We pretended with our heads thrown back, our arms limp and useless, dangling like the dead.

哪一个软弱无力的洗衣女工想要手表?Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch? Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch?