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其中以安徽宣州太子参改善小鼠脾虚症状效果最好。Radix Pseudostellariae from Xuanzhou was most effective on spleen-deficiency mice.

目的分析比较不同产地太子参的质量。Objective To compare the quality of Radix Pseudostellariae from different growing area.

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目的GC-MS法分析太子参的挥发性成分。Objective To analyze essential components of Radix Pseudostellariae from different habitats by GC-MS.

本研究为揭示太子参药材品质形成的分子机制提供基础资料。Our research provided the basic information for revealing the molecular mechanism of Pesudostellariae Radix.

应用石蜡制片技术研究了栽培太子参纺锤状块根的发育过程。The developmental process of the spindle-shaped root tuber of Pseudostellaria heterophylla was studied by paraffin sectioning.

结论为太子参药材的采收、加工与贮藏及其质量评价提供了依据。ConclusionThis experiment provides theory foundation for scientific harvest, processing, storage and quality assessment of Pseudostellaria heterophylla.

结论太子参道地产区生态环境良好,符合无公害标准要求。ConclusionThe ecological environment on geo-authentic habitats of Radix Pseudostellariae is good, conforms to the standard of non-environmental pollution.

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目的建立太子参的HPCE指纹图谱分析方法,为太子参质量评价提供依据。ObjectiveTo establish the analytical method for the fingerprint of Radix Pseudostellariae by HPCE and provide the basis for quality assessment of the crude drug.

结果太子参挥发性成分中含有12个特征性指标成分,初步建立了以此12个共有峰为特征指纹信息的GC-MS指纹图谱。Results There were 12 main characteristic components in the volatile components in the root tuber of P. heterophylla. GC-MS Fingerprint of 12 common peaks was established preliminarily.

较为准确地测定了不同产地太子参中多糖的含量,可为制订太子参药材质量标准提供依据。Conclusion This method is sensitive, accurate and useful for the analysis of polysaccharide in Radix Pseudostellariae from different habitats, and thus can be used for its quality control.