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“号外”才是鸡年的最后一个帖子!You are the last but one!

现在只能看到置顶贴,没有帖子列表?Why do not see new posts List?

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这个帖子真让我笑死了。This post really cracked me up.

那么为何我写了那么多的清单帖子呢?So why do I write so many list posts?

太好的帖子。应该长期至顶。A good article. It should be on the top.

关于IIS服务器的安全的博客帖子。Secure your internet-facing IIS servers!

这是一位名叫琼森的游客发的帖子。This is a guest post by Heather Johnson.

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这仅仅是一个“哗众取宠”的帖子。This is just another “sensationalist” post.

要想了解更多特罗勒效应可以查看这张帖子。For more on the Troxler Effect see this post.

关于它,我们在“信号与噪音”写了一个帖子。We wrote a post about it on Signal vs. Noise.

并且,用临时的博客帖子“低调的”发布?And the "low-key" launch via casual blog post?

用英语发个斗鸡帖子。Send a new post about cockfighting in English.

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这样的帖子就像给博客敲丧钟。That kind of post is a death knell for a blog.

论坛很快被批评的帖子引燃了。The forum was soon aflame with critical posts.

你给我在那个论坛的帖子顶一下好吗?Would you please rate my thread in that forum?

你想要有用的帖子,而且是迅速的获得。You want useful posts, and you want them fast.

现在开一个水贴,请都在这帖子里讨论。Feel free to discuss the matter in this thread.

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看看这个900条帖子的话题和这个300条帖子的话题。See this 900-post thread and this 300-post one.

只有优秀的原创帖子可以考虑加精处理。Only original posts can be added as Elite posts.

这是我父亲德鲁以访客身份发表的帖子。This is a guest post written by my father, Drew.