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有理性。Righty is rational.

听起来比较理性,但是这样做你会得到很大的回报。But it’s payoffs are huge.

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纯粹的理性。Well reason--- Pure reason.

法令管人,理性管法令。Law governs man, reason the law.

万古长青的理性的纪念物。Monuments of unageing intellect.

我们断言理性是人类的属性。We predicate rationality of man.

法律管人,理性管法律。Law governs man, reasons the law.

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中文就是说,憩于理性,行于热情。Rest in Reason and Move in Passion.

来自词典中神话的同义词是“理性”。A synonym from the lexicon is logos.

这是一部理性、充分的宣言。A rational, well-argued call to arms.

戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。I do not banter you, I am in earnest.

什么是黑格尔的理性的狡计?What is the guile of Hegelian reason?

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大多理性的人会说是的。Most fair-minded people would say yes.

从本质上说,灵魂是理性的The soul, in its essence, is rational.

他的蓝眼睛闪着理性的光芒。His blue eyes blazed with intelligence.

我不想听理性的一面之词。I do not want to hear what reason says.

他正成为理性妇女的偶像。He's becoming the thinking woman's pinup.

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人有一些不理性的奇行、怪癖也属于正常。Qixing, also belong to the normal quirks.

因为理性和理智的人热爱道理。for rational and sensible menlove reason.

我每一个理性的细胞都在大呼“不可以”!Every part of my rational mind cried “No!”