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风势渐衰。The wind is falling.

现在风势已经减弱。The wind has slackened off now.

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我们等待风势减弱。We waited for the wind to godown.

我们等待风势减弱。We waited for the wind to go down.

晚上,风势平息下来。The wind went down during the night.

整个晚上风刮很厉害,但到破晓时风势减弱了。The wind blew hard all night but let up at daybreak.

由于风势强劲,森林火势变得无法控制。Because of the strong wind, the woods fire beyond control.

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在室外使用蜡烛的时候,你总得留意风势。The thing about candles and being outside is that you always have to keep wind in mind.

去年,强烈的风势加剧野火的灾情,摧毁数千户房屋。Last year, high winds stoked wildfires in Southern California and destroyed thousands of homes.

有些沙漠是在“雨影”的地方,风势已失去什么水分,他们已越过高地上。Some deserts are in "rain shadow" areas where the winds have lost what moisture they had crossing high ground.

他们的旅程非常艰困,大半途中都伴随着遮蔽视线的暴风雪和强劲的风势。Their journey was arduous, with blinding snow and high winds accompanying them for a large part of the journey.

有时候夏季炎热不堪,刚到八月份风势就下去了,或者六七月份信风干脆就不来了。Sometimes the summers were so hot when the wind dropped in August or when the trade winds sometimes failed in June and July.

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随著浣熊在内陆减弱,本港风势在晚上缓和,所有热带气旋警告信号在翌日上午1时30分取消。As Neoguri weakened overland, local winds moderated that night and all signals were cancelled at 1.30 a. m. the next morning.

当地政府组织了4500名灭火人员全力扑救,但由于天气干燥风势很大,火情难以控制。Local authorities have organized 4500 people to put out the blaze. Dry weather and strong winds are constraining the relief effort.

塞舌尔群岛海面的风势减弱导致最近几周海盗们集结在那里,劫持了来自西班牙和新加坡的船只。A drop in winds north of the Seychelles has seen pirates concentrating there in recent weeks, seizing ships from Spain and Singapore.

随著浣熊靠近,4月18日本地离岸海域风势增强至强风程度,天文台于当日下午8时40分发出三号强风信号。Winds became strong offshore on 18 April and the No. 3 Signal was issued at 8.40 p. m. that day. Winds became strong further on 19 April.

今早风势已经减弱,但是天气预报称,迅猛的大火将回归,对于消防员来说,灭火工作更加艰难。Winds were calmer earlier this morning but forecasters say the gale-force winds will return, just making it even harder for the fire crews.

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如果船员不提高警觉,并错过的故事告诉迹象强劲阵风的风势可能造成巨大破坏,桥面和破坏帆和设备。If the crews are not vigilant and miss the tell tale signs the strong gusts of winds can cause havoc on deck and damage sails and equipment.

这些缺点,再加上风势的强大推力,会导致风叶扭曲,机器会不堪负担,甚至会伤及塔身。That flexibility, coupled with the force from very high winds, can bend blades so much that they burden the machine or even smack the tower.

在开机仪式的地方扎了好些帐篷,那些帐篷好像要被风吹倒了,不过据说这样的风势在济州岛根本不算什么。The tent that has been pitched at the ceremony pIace seems to flip over right now, but itâ s said that this kind of wind is nothing in jeju.