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这套茶具是以砂糖为原料做成的。A tea set made of sugar.

砂糖溶解于水。Dissolve the sugar in water.

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我比较喜欢砂糖。I like granulated sugar better.

把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。Stir in the sugar and maple syrup.

把植物牛油和砂糖打至松发。Beat margarine and sugar until fluffy.

拂打忌廉芝士及砂糖。Cream the cheese with sugar. Beat well.

请把砂糖和奶油对半参加。Please mix sugar and cream fifty-fifty.

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牛油和砂糖打至松发。Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy and light.

中火搅拌,直到砂糖溶解。Whisk it over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

好的,谢谢,请把砂糖和奶油对半加入。Yes, thanks. Please mix sugar and cream fifty-fifty.

把牛奶、奶油、砂糖倒入一个小平底锅中。Combine the milk, cream, and sugar in a small saucepan.

在一个大碗内,将黄油和细砂糖融化。In a large bowl, cream butter and confectioner's sugar.

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把即食黑芝麻碎加入砂糖搅拌,做成馅料。Mix ground black sesame with sugar become the fillings.

鱼胶粉与两汤匙砂糖拌匀。Mix the gelatin powder with 2 tbsps sugar. Leave aside.

把椰子布丁中的砂糖与果冻粉混合。Mix the sugar and jelly powder for the coconut pudding.

鱼胶粉兴两汤匙砂糖拌匀。Mix the gelatin powder with 2 tbsps sugar . Leave aside.

当达到饱和时,水将无法吸收更多的砂糖。Once the water reaches saturation , it can't take anymore.

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把柠檬挤汁,加入砂糖。While muffins cook, squeeze lemon juice and mix with sugar.

牛油与黄砂糖同搅匀,即加蛋黄。Blend butter and brown sugar well. Add egg yolks immediately.

在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar.