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计划开始定形。The plan began to jell.

然则国之老少,又无定形,而实随国民之心力以为消长者也。Likewise, the age of a nation is not something fixed.

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无定形的状态令你难以被伤害。Ectoplasmic Form. Your amorphous form is hard to hurt.

当作用时间较长时,碳粉会发生无定形化。Amorphism can occur when carbon powders are refined further.

成骨细胞分泌形成球形和无定形基质。The cells synthesized spherical-like and non-shaped matrices.

国际定形名称,可以写出其结构式。From the definitive names, structural formulas can be written.

当星球冷却后,覆盖其表面的岩浆海洋开始定形。As it cooled, an ocean of magma covering its surface began to crystallize.

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这里,可以使用定形来对超过此速率的任意事务进行排队。Here, shaping can be used to queue any transactions that exceed that rate.

必须在形参表中指定形参的类型。You must specify the type of formal parameters in the formal parameter list.

无定形物质是土的固相中很活跃的一个组成部分。Amorphous material is one of the most active part of the solid phase of soil.

渗漏试验表明,EVA基定形相变材料的质量损失率不超过0。Leakage test show that mass loss rate of PCMs based on EVA is no more than 0.

对于人造纤维来说,热定形是整理过程是一个重要工序。Heat setting is an essential step in the finishing process for man -made fibers.

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对不定形塑料,关于取向有更多的问题。For amorphous materials, there are usually more issues with orientation problems.

我用缝在旗帜里的拉链给衣片定形,不在衣片间留下缝隙。To keep them in the shape I used zips that are sewn into flags to replace the seams.

在解释的列表中,如有32位选手参赛,需演绎多少套指定形?In the explanatory table how many Shitei kata are required if there are 32 competitors?

不定形群体还可能发育形成波动足,也可随时变为正常的游离细胞。Palmelloid forms may develop undulipodia and revert to normal mobile cells at any time.

孔雀绿色细小无定形粉末,不溶于冷水和醇,溶于酸,氰化物,氨水和铵盐。Green fine powder, undissolving in cold water or alchol or cyanide or ammonia or ammonium.

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现在这里组装的是另一种太阳能电池板称为无定形硅类型。Here now is the assembly of another kind of solar panel called the amorphous silicon type.

这里我们报告一个小细胞肺癌的病例有着不常见的无定形钙化。We present herein a case of small cell lung carcinoma with unusual amorphous calcification.

采用羟胺浸提-可见分光光度法测定了土壤无定形铁。Amorphous iron oxides in soil were determined by hydroxylamine extraction-spectrophotometry.