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所以,亲爱的青年朋友,请为和平仗义执言。So, dear young people, please speak up for peace.

同时你还要弄清自己仗义执言的动机。You need also to be clear of your own motives in speaking to your friend.

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我们必须建立起自己的生活,为我们自己而创造为自己仗义执言。We have to build our own lives, think for ourselves and speak for ourselves.

丁原为向南仗义执言,带着向南和医药代表们喝酒玩乐。Rioux for south brave words, with the south and medical representatives to drink to play.

只有这位坚强的人敢仗义执言,也许能感动人民。Only this sturdy person dared speak boldly to uphold justice, may be able to affect people.

那个候选人是个胆小鬼,他决没有为任何事业仗义执言的勇气。That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause.

那个候选人是个胆小鬼,他绝没有勇气为任何事情仗义执言。That candidate is an ass in lion's skin , he would never have the encourage to stand up for any cause.

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白冬菊由于仗义执言被王部长检查,白冬菊的不配合更让王部长恼火。BaiDongJu due to check out by the king ñ's minister BaiDongJu not cooperate, more let king minister annoyed.

为消费者仗义执言的消协也需要真金白银来维持运作。The disappear that is consumer speak out from a sense of justice assist also need true gold silver to maintain run.

当今世界还有谁不畏强权仗义执言?-不仅仅指在极权国家或者半自由国家诸如俄罗斯和中国,而且也指在西方。Who today speaks truth to power-not only in authoritarian or semi-free countries such as Russia and China but in the West as well?

发表在各种学术刊物上的科技论文,对未来的演变趋势的预测日益使人感到绝望,可这些言论充其量不过是在公众中扮演一个仗义执言的角色而已。While technical papers in academic journals have tracked increasingly desperate predictions, most have put on a brave face in public.

蒂姆爵士,向来行事低调,最近为支持“网络中立性”仗义执言,所谓“网络中立性”是指要求所有在万维网上的站点保持平等。Sir Tim, who keeps a low profile, hasbegun speaking out in favor of "net neutrality, " rules requiring thatall Web sites remain equal on the Web.

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也许他们感觉亏欠了我,或者意识到我们不久要升到不同的中学,而我将不能在那里继续为他们仗义执言了。Perhaps they felt that they owed me. Or they knew that we'd soon be at different high schools and I wouldn't be there to stick up for them any more.

对此,中国同广大发展中国家一道,进行了坚决斗争,主持公道,仗义执言。Together with other developing countries, China has waged a resolute struggle against all such acts of interference, and upheld justice by speaking out from a sense of fairness.

埃里森。德。弗基斯总和国际危机小组的人员一起工作,这个致力于防止冲突发生的小组视她为总是为受害者仗义执言的人。Alison Des Forges often worked with members of the International Crisis Group. The group which works to prevent conflicts remembers her as someone who always spoke for the victims.

中国在国际事务中为非洲国家仗义执言,维护非洲国家利益,乍得愿意在国际事务中加强与中国的协调配合。China has spoken out for African countries in international affairs, safeguarding interests of African nations. Chad hopes to strengthen coordination with China on international affairs.

爱仗义执言的效劳员酣畅听说一个中年女人耍泼,快步冲进来劝止,没想到耍泼的中年女人正是本人的老妈。Love the service member out heard that a middle-aged women play motivate sprinkle, trotting rushed in and would discourage it, didn't play the middle-aged woman splashed that I am old mama.