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输卵管积水?Fallopian tube ponding?

这个很可能是脱垂的输卵管。This is most likely prolapsed fallopian tube.

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附件炎就是指输卵管和卵巢的炎症。Adnexitis means fallopian tube and ovary inflammation.

在卵巢端的输卵管末端为漏斗部。At the ovarian end of the oviduct is the infundibulum.

目的探讨弹性塑胶输卵管堵塞术的可行性。To research the self-elastic gel block of the oviduct.

输卵管破裂是会出现晕厥或者休克。In cases of rupture, lightheadedness or shock may occur.

不孕输卵管粘连阻塞时可致不孕。When sterile oviduct adhesion blocking may send sterile.

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壶腹约占输卵管全长的一半。The ampulla comprises about half of the oviductal length.

同卵孪生可能只在输卵管内开始发育。Identical twinning can begin only inside the Fallopian tube.

这种类型的妊娠是常见的所谓的输卵管妊娠。This type of pregnancy is commonly called a tubal pregnancy.

输卵管因素的不孕较常见是由于输卵管炎的后遗症。Tubal factor infertility is a common sequela of salpingitis.

附件炎就是指输卵管和卵巢的炎症。The adnexitis is refers to the oviduct and ovary's inflammation.

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方法将11580例输卵管结扎术中发生并发症23例原因进行分析。Method To analyse 23 of 11580 cases tubal ligation complications.

是我太过紧张了还是我有必要也去查一下输卵管呢?I was too nervous, or I need also to check the fallopian tubes do?

方法对1378例输卵管结扎术进行回顾性分析。Method 1378 ligation of fallopian tube be retrospectively analysed.

显然在IVF和输卵管复通术间选择其一是很困难的。Obviously the decision between IVF and tubal reversal is difficult.

我想请问,输卵管粘连具体有哪些迹象?I would like to ask, tubal adhesions which has specific indications?

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女性体内有两根输卵管,分别由两个卵巢连接至子宫。There are two fallopian tubes, each attached to a side of the uterus.

阑尾炎破裂或穿孔后可导致输卵管感染。You can get a tubal infection after your appendix ruptures or bursts.

目前唯一能采取的方法是输卵管通水,不过效果并不理想。The only way is to take tubal water, but the results are unsatisfactory.