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脂肪,尿素,葡萄糖,氨基酸,矿物盐。Fat, urea, glucose, amino acids, salts.

血尿素氮及肌酐检查正常。The urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal.

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尿素酶的活性对溴硝醇比较敏感。The activity of urease is sensitive to bronopol.

尿素是三种含氮废物之一。Urea is one of the three nitrogenous waste products.

尿素在水中会水解成氨。Urea naturally breaks down into ammonia in the water.

肾还排出血液中的尿素和无机盐。A kidney also takes urea and mineral salts out of the blood.

该工厂使用尿素作为还原剂,向分解炉内连续加入。The plant added carbamide as reducer into calciner continuously.

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同时可以看出氮肥增效剂能提高尿素利用率。Therefore, nitrogen synergists could improve urea utilization rate.

生长促进剂有降低血清球蛋白和尿素N的趋势。Growth promoters tended to decrease the globulin and urea N of serum.

在各项研究中均系采用实验室制备的环亚乙基尿素。Leboratory prepared cyclic ethylene urea was used in these experiments.

这是一个X染色体缺陷导致的尿素循环酶缺乏症之一。This is an X-linked deficiency of one of the enzymes in the urea cycle.

坡缕石包衣尿素能有效促进春小麦增产。Palygorskite coated urea can effectively improve the yield of spring wheat.

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目的优选尿素包合法富集葵花油中亚油酸的方法。Objective To optimize the enrichment method of linoleic acid in sunflower oil.

综述“斯塔米卡邦第11届尿素技术年会”主要交流的内容。Overviews the main content of "11th Starmicarbon Urea Technology Anniversary".

以癸二酸和尿素为原料合成癸二酰胺。Decanediamide was synthesized using sebacic acid and urea as starting materials.

结果表明,潮土上尿素氮水解快,硝化活性较高。Results showed that urea was hydrolyzed fast with a high nitrification activity.

游泳池水尿素含量偏高的主要原因是水质不能被有效循环净化。The high urea content is due to the ineffective cleaning and recycling of water.

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颗粒料中添加尿素对增重的效果有待探讨。Effects of urea supplementation to pellet of meat rabbits remain to be confirmed.

尿素和水钠的清除量之间有本质的区别。There was significant difference between urea removal and fluid and sodium removal.

本发明是对尿素异丙醇脱蜡过程的改进。The present invention is an improvement of dewaxing process of isopropanol and urea.