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所有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。All the criticism seems to have flowed over him.

我给你讲的话,你怎么老当作耳边风?Why will you always turn a deaf ear to what I tell you?

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我无论对他们说什么都只被当作耳边风。Everything I tell them just goes in one ear and out the other.

她把我对她的一再警告当作耳边风。My repeated warnings to her went in one ear and out the other.

我告诉他的每件事他好像都当成耳边风一样。Everything I told him seemed to go in one ear and out the other.

我再三告诉过你说这点子钱是不够的,但你老是把它当作耳边风。I've told you time an' again 'at it isn't enough, but it makes no difference.

我也警告过他们他们的身体会越来越差,但是他们都把我的话当成耳边风。I've warned them they could get seriously ill, but they both ignore my advice.

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对老练的竞选者来说,质问者的话有如耳边风。To the seasoned campaigner, the remarks of hecklers were like water off a duck's back.

上帝一直派先知警告百姓,但先知的话都被当成耳边风。All the while, God was sending prophets to warn them, but their warnings went unheeded.

不过,他的话似乎成了耳边风,他的敌人根本不理他的话,继续做坏事。It appears, however, that his words went unheeded , for his foes continued in their wickedness.

一些学生常把老师与家长的话当作耳边风,经常表现不佳。Some students often take no account of what their teachers and parents say and don't behave well.

老师同他说过上百次,可他总是记不住——他把老师的话当成了耳边风。The teacher must have told him a hundred times, and he always forgets it like water off a duck's back.

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我后悔当初的单纯无知,我把那些忠告当作耳边风,没有好好学习。I regret that in my naïveté, I considered these good talks to be opportunities to spar instead of to learn.

里姆继续当孩子的绝望的请求在她父亲逼迫她嫁给32岁的堂兄时被当成了耳边风。Reem's desperate pleas to stay a child fell on deaf ears as her father forced her to marry a 32-year-old cousin.

医生都告诉我们抽烟对身体是有害的。可是,这种合理的建议对于有些人来说就像耳边风一样,毫无作用。The doctors tell us it's dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off some people like water off a duck's back.

医生都告诉我们抽烟对身体是有害的。可是,这种合理的建议对于有些人来说就像耳边风一样,毫无作用。The doctors tell us it's dangerous tos moke, but such good advice rolls off some people like water off a duck's back.

医生都告诉我们抽烟对身体是有害的。可是,这种劝告对于有些人来说就像耳边风一样,毫无作用。The doctors tell us it' s dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off some people like water off a duck's back.

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是你给了我们信任。让我们进入你的生活,从而我们才可以这么多年一次又一次给你吹耳边风。You're the one who trusted us. You're the one who let us into your life, Let us whisper in your ear over and over and over again.

现在,二十年来的今天,我懊悔不已,我发现导师的建议不该被当作耳边风,那是个极其重要的建议。And now, after about twenty years, and much to my chagrin, I find Art Mellor's advice not only sound but vital. Altering. Transformative.

另一边,别馆工地到处都在漏水,出现危险警讯,诺亚要让孩子们避开这些地方,但洪会长当成耳边风。On the other side, dont pavilion site is leaking everywhere, a dangerous warning, Noah should let the children away from these places, but the flood of fallen.