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你们的退换货政策是什么?What's your return policy?

不满足,无理由退换货!Not satisfied, no reason to Return!

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已售套票,概不退换。The sold tickets will not exchange.

我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund this blender.

我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund on this blender.

这张机票可以退换吗?Is this ticket refundable or changeable?

请保存收据,作为退换的凭证。Please present the receipt for exchange.

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就是隔壁,张生货币退换处。It is nearby , zhangsheng currency exchange.

本店货物售出概不退换。Sale goods in our shop are not exchangeable.

如果不合身,我能拿来退换吗?If this shirt doesn’t fit, may I return it later?

演出票售出后概不退换。Tickets sold are non-fundable and non-exchangeable.

演出票一经售出,恕不退换。Tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

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药品售出,概不退换。Once medicines leave the store they may not be returned.

所有通行证一经售出,恕不退换。All passes sold are non-refundable and non- exchangeable.

所有门票一经售出,恕不退换。All tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

对不起由于使用不当而引起的损坏,我们无法退换。We're sorry, we can't exchange iten that has been ill-used.

送货上门、货到付款,无条件退换货。Home delivery, cash on delivery, unconditional return policy.

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汤玛士把我送他的外套拿去退换,因为尺寸太小了。Thomas exchanged the coat I bought for him. It was too small.

所有门票一经售出,恕不退换。All tickets purchased are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

好的,那太好了。我需要办理什么退换手续?Ok, that would be very nice! What do I need to do to transfer?