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你的政见如何?What are your politics?

我们的政见不一致。Our opinions diverge on politics.

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在你们家里,政见不同。And in your house, politics divide.

他知道割风先生的政见吗?Did he know M. Fauchelevent's opinions?

你对李先生的政见有何看法?。How do you like Mr. Lee's political point of view?

中国监狱到处是高调的持不同政见者。China's prisons are littered with high profile dissidents.

由于政见的抵触,泰勒被辉格党开除出党。In retaliation, the Whigs expelled Tyler from their party.

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左派持不同政见者已经遭到削弱和排挤。Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.

自打那以后,持不同政见者遭到了镇压。Since then, the repression of dissidents has been stepped up.

首先是保守派贝隆主义者中一个持不同政见的联盟。The first is a dissident coalition of conservative Peronists.

大仲马信守共和政见,反对君主专政。Dumas kept the Republican political views, against the monarchy.

在Nauvoo,教会持不同政见者开始了报纸谴责他。In Nauvoo, church dissidents started a newspaper to denounce him.

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登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home.

在美日关系上,日本政见十分混乱。On the U.S.-Japan relationship, Japanese politics are in disarray.

在美日关系上,日本政见十分混乱。On the U. S. -Japan relationship, Japanese politics are in disarray.

孙文是从中国流亡的一位著名不同政见者。Sun Yat-sen was a prominent dissident who had been exiled from China.

你对那些与你政见不一的人有何看法“"What do you think of people's political views different from yours?"

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布什总统在访泰期间还将会见几名缅甸持不同政见者。Bush will also meet with several Burmese dissidents while in Thailand.

为什么仍然允许这个13世纪的法律压制合法的持不同政见者?Why is this 13th-Century law still permitted to stifle legitimate dissent?

伊朗有许多持不同政见者都相信,他们的手机受到了跟踪。Many dissidents in Iran believe they are being tracked by their cellphones.