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第二是折射光线。The second is to refract light.

一股反射和折射过来的柔和光线。A soft flow of reflected and refracted light.

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自然总是折射着观者的精神状态。Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.

这个井能把你的声音折射回来。This well gives back the sound of your voice.

通常,万圣节服装会折射出流行文化的潮流趋势。Usually, costumes reflect pop-culture trends.

他第一次在圆形杯底的折射之中。When he notices for the first time the faint.

用折射仪测量一下氧气的浓度。Check oxygen concentration by a refractometer.

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心中折射是你无数的影子。Your countless shadows reflected into my heart.

关于或具有双折射特征。Relating to or characterized by double refraction.

这些是从地球大气层中折射出的光线。This is sunlight refracted through our atmosphere.

文学,与其说是生活的倒影,不如说是折射。Literature, instead of reflecting life, refracts it.

这东西有些我用的是七十秒的折射。On some of these things I'm using 70-second reverbs.

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注意为要损坏折射仪。Care should be taken not to damage the refractometer.

光线通过棱镜时产生折射现象。Light is refracted when it is passed through a prism.

联邦政府工作人员通过他们自己的爱好折射价格。The feds refract prices through their own bent glass.

本品呈樱桃红,折射紫色,晶莹剔透。Black cherry reddish colour with purplish reflections.

步枪范围,是一个折射望远镜使用步枪。A rifle scope is a refractor telescope used on a rifle.

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陈寿的学术渊源正折射出当时的学术风貌。All of these reflect the academic situations of that time.

这其中也折射出原始图腾崇拜的影子。It also reflects the shadow of the original totem worship.

金丝线折射出华美的光线。Gold thread, China and the United States reflects the light.