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蜂羽化后不久即可进行交尾。Copulating appears shortly after emergence.

在这里,我使用了3个像素的羽化。In my case I want to use about 3 pixels of feather.

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处理的幼虫化蛹率,羽化而受阻。The pupation and eclosion were hindered by treatment of larvae.

羽化雌虫的产卵节律和成虫生存曲线发生显著变化。The oviposition rhythms and age-specific adult survival rates change.

讨论了这种羽化对策的适应意义。Finally, the adaptive significance of the emergence strategy was discussed.

走在这样的山路上,浑身其一种羽化的空灵。Walking on this kind of path, I seem to ascend to heaven and become immortal.

结论印鼠客蚤实验种群中雌性个体较雄性个体多,蛹的羽化率较高。In laboratory population of X. cheopis the female adult is more than the male.

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这样我们有了包围天空的“蚂蚁行军”选区,并且已经羽化了3个像素。So we now have the marching ants selection around the sky with a 3 pixel feather.

雄虫一旦羽化就性成熟,而雌虫的性成熟可能要10天的时间。Males are fertile upon emergence, but females may take 10 days to mature sexually.

蚕,成长为蛹,蛹,羽化为蝶,是一个痛苦的过程。Silkworms grow up to pupae, and then pupae to butterfly, the procedure is painful.

类似的,不足的羽化则会导致套索边缘区域出现明显的锯齿。Likewise, not enough feathering will produce a vivid jagged edge to the lasso area.

你现在已经恰好地选择并羽化了牙齿,有趣的即将开始了。You now should have your teeth nicely selected and feathered and the fun can start.

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无论是蝴蝶还是羽化前毛乎乎的毛毛虫都相当可爱。Both butterflies and their fuzzy, pre-cocoon form, the caterpillar, are pretty darn cute.

成虫羽化后具有在蛹室内潜伏的特性,并具有向光亮、向上转移以及在蛹室内转动的习性。The adults have the habits hiding in pupa cell and shifting upwards aswell as phototaxis.

结果巴戟天低聚糖能显著提高果蝇性活力和羽化率。Results The oligosaccharide could significantly increase the hatching rate and sexual vitality.

我经常会稍稍羽化我的选区,以避免粗糙的转换效果,这里,我选择了0.5的像素值。I always feather my selections slightly to avoid harsh transitions, here I choose 0.5px as a value.

治愈后,灌装机,磨毛它的顺利,我们以100砂纸,羽化毗邻的木头。After the filler cured, we sanded it smooth with 100-grit sandpaper, feathering it into the adjacent wood.

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上帝和人类毫无同族关系,因此在上帝和人之间,没有模糊不清的界限,圣经中没有羽化登仙的概念。So there is no blurring, no soft boundary between humans and the divine, according to Kaufman, in the Bible.

调查了外秦淮河两岸垂柳上光肩星天牛羽化孔、排粪孔的分布情况。The number of emergence holes and frass holes in weeping willows on both banks of Qinhuai river are investigated.

博物馆的工作人员注意到这只刚刚羽化的美凤蝶的两边翅膀颜色有明显差异。The staff noticed a striking difference between the wing colorings of the freshly hatched great mormon butterfly.