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内容非常、非常香艳。It's very, very racy.

还有香艳美人们古老的颂咏。And beauty making beautiful old rhyme.

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颜色非常香艳,而且有营养。Colour flowery, and have nutrition very much.

以上是展会第一天最香艳的三个场景。These three scenes were the raunchiest of the first day.

曾几何时,我们的七十年代有香艳无边的“巴黎最后的探戈”以及“香波”。Once upon a time, back in the '70s, we had Last Tango in Paris and Shampoo.

正是因为如此,我的花园常年开满香艳的玫瑰花。As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year.

该日记被网友公认为是“香艳日记”,很多篇日记提及性事,并涉及几个女人。Sex is one of the main topics of the dubbed "porn diary", with several women involved.

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不过那真是一束香艳美丽的花儿,一想起它,我的心情就特好。But that is really a beautiful bouquet of flowers Xiang Yan, a think it, I feel good on the special.

你在昏暗的酒吧邂逅一个很有魅力的陌生人,把她带回家香艳地缠绵一番。You meet an attractive stranger in a dark bar and take her back to your place for some randy action.

不过,显然,现代的香艳才是更符合它的字面意义的。Nevertheless, apparent, contemporary welcome colourful talent is more of the literal meaning that accords with it.

樱花吹雪,微风中摇曳的秀发,香艳的爱,绵绵的情,总缠绕我的心。Sakura petals fluttering alongside with the snowflakes, fragrance of her long silky hair in the breeze all upon my mind.

“香艳”是纳兰词风格的重要组成部分,向来为人们所忽视。The florid style is an important constituent in Nalan Xingde s poetry, which has been neglected by people for a long time.

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蓝色主卧室,让最平淡的日子也香艳起来,香艳这个词,在古时候也是用来形容女子闺房的。Blue advocate bedroom, make the flattest life sweet also admire rise, sweet colourful this word, also using appearance woman boudoir in ancient time.

另一方面,他的业余爱好------对中国传统的香艳文学的偏嗜和对西方艳情文学、日本“私小说”的情有独钟,这些终于引发了他的创作激情。On the other hand, his hobby ------his special fondness of the Chinese traditional pornographic literature, the western erotic literature and the Japanese "private novel" triggered his creative.

奢华香艳的美甲,搭配璀璨夺目的珠宝,绝对可以让你以最最完美的姿态示人,手是女人的第二张脸,不将它打扮得精致又美丽,怎么可以称作完美?Luxurious nail-art, matched with shining jewelry, will give you the most fined look. Hand is the second face of a woman, how can it be called perfect if you has not an attractively polished nails?