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我想做一个类推。I want to give you an analogy.

让我们回头想想地图的类推。Think back to our map analogy.

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如果你需要类推,那就用动物作比吧。If you need an analogy, use an animal.

周二——完成第二页,如此类推。Tuesday -- Finish Page 2. " And so on.

靠类推法论证并不总是可靠的。It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.

从性质上可以得出什么类推法吗?Are there any analogies you can draw from nature ?

措施项目一般类推和模糊类推快速报价法。General and fuzzy analogy estimate in bidding of overall items.

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附加上类推法——我认为他会发展的更好。Add on to the analogy--I think it could go on for a good little bit.

类推解释的概念现在仍有存在的余地。The concept of analogical interpretation still has a necessary position.

用类推的方法,我们可以猜测保罗可能会再次改变他的人生目标!By analogy, we could guess that Paul would amend his life goal once again!

用Toyabe博士的类推来解释就是皮球反弹了起来。The ball was thus on a one-way trip up, to use Dr Toyabe's analogy, the staircase.

为了达到教学目的,我们选择采用顺序图表进行类推。To meet a teaching aim, we chose to carry out the charts of order into analogical.

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工程期预期30个工作日,根据施工所具备的条件以次类推。First, the project period is expected to 30 days, the condition of construction etc.

如果第一作者没能或是将不会给你发送复件,那就给第二作者发类似邮件,以次类推。If the first author can't or won't send you a copy, email the second author, and so on.

其次,它使用错误的类推来同工程学的其他形式进行比较。Second, it constructs comparisons to other forms of engineering using a flawed analogy.

这个理论可以在服务、零售、教学等其它任何性质的工作上类推。The same analogy applies to service, or retail, or teaching, or any other kind of work.

经济类新词中有不少同义词、反义词,它们大都是类推仿造而来。There are many synonyms and antonyms , most of them appear by analogizing and imitating.

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我们曾经预计有更多的参赛条目、更多的“类推”,以及与我们的参赛者之间更多的互动。We had hoped for more entries, more re-tweets, and more interaction with our contestants.

汉语离合二字组的产生同时受着类推作用的影响。The formation of separable two-character word group also suffers from the role of analogy.

作者所运用的另一种有效的方法是提供简单易懂的类推和范例。Another method he uses effectively is to provide easy-to-understand analogies and examples.