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他含情脉脉的看着我。He looks me with felling.

她含情脉脉地看了他一眼,朝他微笑。She gave him a tender look and smiled.

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汤姆整个晚上都在含情脉脉地注视着他的女友。Tom's been making sheep's eyes at his girlfriend all night long.

树抱石,石拥树,就像一对生死相依的恋人,含情脉脉,远离尘俗。The tree and the rock embrace each other, as a couple deeply in love.

今天,我裸上身骑坐在我男友的身上,含情脉脉的看着他的双眼。Today, I was naked on top of my boyfriend looking lovingly into his eyes.

看来多么遥远和幼稚啊,然而又是含情脉脉的,n’est-ce pas How long ago it seemed and childish! Yet tender too, n'est-ce pas?

每当约翰•麦凯恩发表政治演讲时,他的夫人辛迪总是在一旁含情脉脉地注视着他,但是她很少发言。John McCain’s wife, Cindy, gazes adoringly at him on the stump but says little.

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晚饭后,女人含情脉脉,楚楚动人的躺到床上。After dinner, woman cooed some suggestive little sighs and slipped invitingly into bed.

于是他露出含情脉脉的保护人的神气,低下头去看她,就象在歌德的剧本里埃格蒙特看克拉拉一样。And he looked down AT her, splendidly protecting her, like Egmont AT Clara in goethe's play.

爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向前看。Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking foward together in the same direction.

相爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向前看。Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking forward together in the same direction.

相爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向外看。Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking outward together in the same direction.

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这位21岁的小公主继承了她曾曾祖母含情脉脉的明眸和丰满的双唇——甚至还有她的脸型!The 21-year-old shares great-great-granny's soulful eyes and full lips – and even her face shape!

相爱不表现在含情脉脉的对视,而表现在在同一个方向向前看。Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but looking forward together in the same direction.

爱情不在于相互含情脉脉地对视,而在于携手朝着共同的目标向前看。Love doesn't consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

看着她含情脉脉的眼神,我似乎失去男人的个性,眼泪禁不住往下流。Feelings tenderness at her eyes, I seem to have lost a man's personality, tears Can not help down stream.

因为相距太远无法交谈,王子和公主又是微笑又是点头,又是鞠躬,就这样含情脉脉地对视了一个小时。For a whole hour, they smiled, bowed, and curtsied , being too far apart to communicate in any other way.

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洛克威尔也有个搞笑的场景,就为了含情脉脉地向观众们展示他那整整一箱詹姆斯.邦德式的超级武器。Rockwell has a hilarious scene in which he lovingly demonstrates the uses of a suitcase full of James Bond-esque superweapons.

爱情不在于相互含情脉脉地对视,而在于携手朝着一个共同的目标向前看---圣艾克苏佩里,法国作家。Love doesn't consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction---Saint Exupery, French writer.

这幅画像中,凯特侧躺于沙发上,一丝不挂,仅有脖子上湛蓝色的宝石项链,表情性感妩媚,含情脉脉。The famous picture shows Kate's character, Rose, seductively lying on a couch wearing nothing but the iconic blue diamond necklace.