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有健全的管理制度和规范的自营业务与经纪业务分业管理的体系。A perfect management system and a standard operational system for its business and brokers.

出现了尝试性分业和整体上表现为阶段性继业是程虚宇家族在典当资本继承方式上的显著特点。The trying and succeeding step by step to the pawn capital is characteristic of Cheng xu-yu's family.

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与金融控股集团迅猛发展相对应的,却是分业监管框架在我国的正式确立。The divided supervision system is established with the development of financial conglomerate in our country.

在不触动现有分业监管框架的基础上,建立牵头监管人制度。The first stage is to set up the leading-supervisor system based on not changing current separate supervision framework.

目前由于立法缺位、金融创新和法律规避、分业监管的监管体制等因素的影响,房地产资金信托面临风险。At present because of law's vacancy, financial innovation and evasion of the law, supervising separately, REITs faced with risk.

通过分析我们发现,金融机构分业、混业模式的选择,是与金融机构和金融市场自身发展的需要紧密结合的。Through the analysis, we can get to know that the choice of separating operation or mixing operation based on the operating level of finan.

第三章采用比较的方法抽象地分析了分业银行制度和混业银行制度的利弊。Adopting comparative method, the third character analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of segregation and universal banking system abstractly.

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因此,加强在分业经营、分业监管体制下实现对金融控股公司有效监管显得日益重要。Consequently, it is become more important to strengthen the effective supervision of financial holding company under the "separate operation" system.

在实行了银行业和证券业分业管理后,货币市场和资本市场之间的资金流动受到阻塞。After respectively management for the banking and the securities industry, the funds fluxion has been jum between money market and the capital market.

世界各国的监管机构目前正积极考虑加强对本国商业银行和其投资银行部门的分业管理,日本政府却做出了相反的选择。REGULATORS around the world are contemplating higher walls between commercial banks and their investment-banking divisions. In Japan the opposite is happening.

我们把追求技术进步以开发新的业务、分业重组和降低成本放在非常重要的位置。We'll attach great importance to pursuing technological improvement so as to develop new business, conduct divided operation and reorganization and lower the cost.

但就我国目前国情来讲,分业经营、分业监管是现实存在,全面推行混业经营还需一定时日。But with the present situation of our country, it is a fact that the finance is managed and supervised apart, and it needs time to introduce mixmanagement entirely.

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金融交叉产品创新是在分业向混业转变背景下的一个敏感问题。The innovation of financial cross-products is a sensitive issue against the background of a diversion from separated banking operation to integrated banking operation.

在此之前的60余年中,分业经营模式一直主导美国金融市场,并且正是严格分业的模式促成了今天成熟发达的金融体系。In the past 60 years, the U. S. financial market was dominated by separated operation model which made great contribution to materialization and maturation of financial system.

分业体制下的银证合作是我国应对入关后激烈金融竞争的积极主动策略。The positive and initiative tactics of our country for financial competition then should be the cooperation between banking and securities, which belong to different trade systems.

而国内的发展步伐虽然也在加快,金融控股型全能银行已初露端倪,但在分业经营、分业监管的大格局限制下,我国的全能银行的发展与国外相比还有很大差距。But in China, although the banks are speeding up their development and reform, and some financial holding companies have emerged in China, we still have a long way to go compared with t.

同时,对一国金融制度的选择进行了反思,认为微观基础的不完善决定了我国金融分业制度的选择。In addition, it rethinks the choice of a country's financial system. It considers that the faultiness of the microcosmic groundwork determines the choice of China unity-operation system.

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在金融全球化浪潮下,我国金融市场的分业经营、分业管理在很大程度上造成了市场分割与资源浪费。In the tide of globalization of finance, the unity operation and unity management in our country's financial market results in the market segregation and resources waste to a great extent.

第六条证券业和银行业、信托业、保险业分业经营、分业管理。Article 6 The securities industry and banking industry, trust business and insurance industry shall be put under separate industry-wise management and separate industry-wise administration.

我国国有商业银行由于受分业管制的束缚,服务手段和金融工具产品单一,创新能力不足、风险转移机制落后。Under limitation of separated management, the state-owned commercial bank only provides some simplex financial services and tools with insufficient creativeness and venture-transfer system.