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何首乌让头发变黑还是变白?。Does Fleece-Flower Turn Hair Black or Gray?

目的优化黑豆汁炖何首乌炮制工艺。ObjectiveTo optimize the technologies of processing in Heshouwu braised.

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何首乌中二苯乙烯苷的开发与应用。Development Studies on Stilbene Glucoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.

推测何首乌还含有作用于FAS中的丙二酰转酰酶的抑制剂。It was speculated that an inhibitor in TFR reacted on malonyl thansacylase of FAS.

传统中药何首乌具有乌须发的作用。Traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum multiflorum has the function of hair blacking.

结果毫州产何首乌中两种蒽醌含量最高。RESULTS The Radix Polygoni multiflori from Bozhou was the highest in free and total anthraquinone.

本发明提供一种速溶何首乌超细粉及其制备方法。The invention provides the instant tuber fleeceflower ultrafine powder and the preparation method.

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对不同来源的何首乌在组织培养中的表现进行了比较研究。The tissue culture of Polygonum multflorum Thunb. from different regions was studied in this paper.

在对何首乌进行研发的过程中,应对其不良反应予以足够的重视。More attentions should be paid on adverse effects in the following research over this elite germplasm.

目的研究何首乌提取物对哺乳动物皮肤稳态的影响。Objective To study the effect of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. extract on the skin stable state of mammal.

TLC和HPLC证明何首乌毛状根中含有大黄索和大黄酸成分且均以游离和结合两种形式存在。TLC and HPLC proved that emodin and rhein were existed in the hairy root with free and combinative forms.

用何首乌种子经表面消毒后进行无菌发芽并建立了无菌材料,以无菌实生苗茎段作外植体进行离体快繁研究。The stem segments of the sterile seedlings were used as the explants to study the rapid propagation in vitro.

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结果何首乌提取物能有效提高皮肤角质层水分含量,降低角质细胞脂褐素含量。Results PmTe can effectively increase the moisture of keratoderma, decrease the lipofuscin in keratinized cell.

本法灵敏度较高,稳定性好,可用于中草药何首乌中二苯乙烯甙含量的测定。The method is sensitive and stable and can be applied to determination of stilbene in Polygonum Multiflorum Thumb.

目的确定大黄、何首乌中大黄素与大黄酚的含量。ObjectiveTo determine the emodin and chrysophanol contents in Rheum officinale Baill. and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.

为了让人们记住何首乌的奇效,他决定将此县改名为长寿县。In order to remind people the effect of polygonum multiflorum, he decided to use Changshou County to rename the county.

结论溶剂浓度、到场盐酸量对何首乌中大黄素的提取效率有较大影响。ConclusionThe quantity of solvent and the puls quantity of HCl have a great influence upon the extracting efficiency of emodin.

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将流动注射化学发光分析法应用于何首乌中二苯乙烯苷的含量测定,建立了一种简便、快速、准确的含量测定方法。This method is simple, fast and accurate and can be a measure in determining stilbene glucoside in Polygonum multiflorum Thund.

何首乌含有二苯乙烯苷、蒽醌和磷脂等多种有效成分。The Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb contains a number of active principles such as stilbene glycosides, anthraquinone and phospholipid.

何首乌多糖具有免疫调节、抗氧化、抗衰老和抗老年痴呆等生物活性作用。PPMT possess lots of bioactivities, such as immune regulation, antioxidation, anti-aging efficiency and resistance in senile dementia.