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厚积薄发,描绘帝豪壮阔蓝图!Accumulating all skills, depicting imperial magnificent blueprint!

此刻大海无比壮阔,观者心胸开阔,视野无限。At this moment the sea very broad, open-minded guests, unlimited horizons.

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游客可以乘船顺着长江而下时,会惊讶于大坝无与伦比的壮阔。Visitors can cruise down the Yangtze and marvel at its peerless size and breadth.

等以后长成茁壮的参天大树后,那么绿荫遮天的壮阔,便是我活过的痕迹。And later grow into healthy trees, so the shade Zhetian magnificent, is I've lived.

它让我想起一些迪士尼老歌,华丽壮阔的交响乐编曲配上柔情似水的优美旋律。It reminds me of the old Disney songs with their lush orchestrations and tender melodies.

至于海港城市的壮阔秀丽,那样的海天一色,直如天上人间。The port city of magnificent beauty, like that sea and sky merged, straight like heaven on earth.

南极公厕在一本关于厕所的另类新书中被誉为世界上最壮阔的厕所。The South Pole toilet appears in a new book lifting the lid on the world's most majestic places to wee.

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大海之所以伟大,除了它美丽、壮阔、坦荡外,还有一种自我净化的功能。The sea is great, except that it beautiful, magnificent, magnanimous, there is a self-purification function.

有的时辰,自傲很可能带来很好的机缘,让你能够在一片六合里描画壮阔蓝图。Sometimes, self-confidence, is likely to bring good opportunity, let you can in one world portrayed in grand blueprint.

我可以只活在当下,自由呼吸,快快乐乐,我的生命就像一条平静、景色壮阔的大河那样流淌。I can just live in the present moment, breathe and be happy because my life is flowing like a calm and magnificent river.

在谈到其词的意境美时,把清丽柔婉、雄浑壮阔之美悉数数来。When talks about its word ideal condition US, simple and beautiful supple graceful, the vigorous grand beauty all counts.

穿过悉尼海港大桥,一路向北,沿途洁白的沙滩、壮阔的海景尽收眼底。Through the Sydney harbour bridge, journeyed north along the way, white beaches and spectacular panoramic view of the sea.

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我梦想,来到美丽的北戴河边,在一片的汪洋中,感受“大雨落幽燕,白浪滔天”的壮阔。I dream, came to the beautiful Beidaihe side, in a piece of the ocean, feel" rain down Youyan, Brownsea towering "magnificent.

碧波荡漾波光粼粼,浩瀚无垠壮阔连天是从书本里读到的大海,也是我对大海的美好想象。Rippling blue waves sparkling, the vast boundless vast groaning read from the books of the sea, is what I imagine a better sea.

你会觉得自己是一名娴熟的舵手,邀游在壮阔的大海中,亦或是一只大鹏,翱翔在蔚蓝广阔的天空。You will feel that you are the skilled steersman swimming in the vast sea, or a roc hovering in the capacious and cerulean sky.

他希望将来自己能拥有一座占地十余公顷的庄园,在壮阔的土地上植满如茵的绿。He hoped that in the future he can have an area of ten hectares of estate land in the magnificent green vegetation full of grass.

景观桥天津的桥不只有宏伟壮阔的交响乐,也不乏低吟浅唱抒情慢板。Landscape Bridge As well as facilitating a magnificent symphonic allegro, some bridges in Tianjin provide for a more lyrical adagio.

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除了能饱览壮阔的海景外,酒店内的游泳池也带给了我们很多乐趣,当然,还有那标志性的希尔顿早餐。In addition to the spectacular sea view, we also enjoyed the fun in their nice swimming pool as well as the remarkable Hilton Breakfast.

雄浑的贺兰山在宏大壮阔的外在气象之下,展示着厚重和坚实,涵养着银川人务实、诚信的品质和脚踏实地、任劳任怨的作风。Helan Mountain shows us a grand and solid feeling, which builds practical and honest character, a hardheaded and indefatigable working styles.

然而直至十年之后,他方能坦然地面对这茫茫沙海,将那一片壮阔而美丽的荒凉尽收眼底。But it still wasn't until the tenth year that he could look across the desert and see the beautiful, beautiful, magnificent desolation before him.