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生物战每天都在美国发生。It happens in the U. S.

这项生物战剂侦测器将可能因此变成万用的疾病守护者。Thus, a bioweapon sensor could become a universal disease sentinel.

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生物战和生物恐怖已经对世界和平构成严重威胁。Biological war and bioterrorism have posed severe threat to world peace.

大多数生物战剂爆炸物在此波段有特征吸收。Many chemical agent explosives show characteristic spectral features in the terahertz.

霍利斯的同事们对b细胞进行遗传控制,使其对一些生物战制剂产生反应。Hollis's colleagues genetically engineer the B cells to respond to particular biowarfare agents.

此外,炭疽杆菌还被用作首要的生物战剂和制造生物恐怖,对社会稳定造成很大威胁。Besides, B. anthracis is used as a biological warfare agent and a terrorist weapon causing a serious threat.

新的服装将让部队承受更多载荷,抵御核、化学和生物战的影响。The new attire will enable the troops to carry extra load and resist the impact of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare.

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虽然生物战剂只是药品和病毒,转基因食物和化肥也可以被视为是生物武器。Biological warfare agents are just drugs and viruses though, genetically modified food and fertilizers can also be considered bio-weapons.

有些问题甚至比金正日掌握大量化学武器、生物战剂的制作方法和核设施更加令人不安。Some thoughts are even more disturbing than the idea of Kim Jong Il's controlling an arsenal of poison gas, germ-war cultures and nuclear devices.

根据国会正在审议的后续法律案,所有研究生物战剂的人员都得向联邦政府登记注册。Follow-on bills moving through the House and Senate would force everyone working with such germs or toxins to register with the federal government.

俄罗斯及美国的官员同样也担心有前苏联的核战及生物战专家成为帮凶。This is the same concern that officials in Russia and the United States have had with former Soviet nuclear and chemical warfare experts, he notes.

有些问题甚至比金正日掌握大量化学武器、生物战剂的制作方法和核设施更加令人不安。Some thoughts are even more disturbing than the idea of Kim Jong Il's controlling an arse nal of poison gas, germ-war cul tures and nuclear devices.

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揭开炭疽—Mac-1通路对于力图挽救人类于生物恐怖主义和生物战祸害的当前来说是一个里程碑式的发现。Unraveling the anthrax-Mac-1 gateway is a milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect humans from bioterrorism and biological warfare, the UAB microbiologists said.

该事件在造成医疗和心理等方面影响的同时,对生物战剂的侦察和检验也是一个挑战。S. , when it is used as bio_terrorism agent, it can cause medical and psychological impacts, and also is a big challenge for biological reconnaissance and detection.

主管说智囊团分析并不担心生物战技术会从老苏联落到恐怖分子手中。The director allows that the intelligence community is not as worried about biological warfare technology from the old Soviet Union falling into the hands of terrorists.

当炭疽被用作生物战剂时,人们一旦吸入细菌孢子,炭疽杆菌就会对人体形成威胁,同时病情将迅速恶化。A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.

而美国国土安全部甚至还考虑以它为模范,鼓励研发疫苗与解毒剂以对付可能的生物战剂。Department of Homeland Security is even considering it as a model for how to steer efforts toward developing vaccines and antidotes for possible biological warfare agents.

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日本当局已开始挖掘一所医学院的旧址,此地可能埋有日本战时生物战计划的受害者遗体。Authorities in Japan have begun excavating the former site of a medical school that may contain the remains of victims of the country's wartime biological warfare programme.

但是没有证据表明“基地”组织或者其他人拥有核武器,恐怖分子在英国进行的几次神经或生物战剂尝试最终都失败了。But there is no evidence that al Qaeda or anybody else holds nuclear weapons and several attempts by terrorists in the UK to make nerve or biological agents have proved inept failures.

任何仍然在计划中的挖掘现场发现将有较强的连接到单元731,常石敬一表示,一神奈川大学历史学教授和生物战专家。Any remains found at the planned excavation site would have a stronger connection to Unit 731, said Keiichi Tsuneishi, a Kanagawa University history professor and expert on biological warfare.