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我们有许多解法。We have multiple solutions.

还有其他解法。You know, there is another solution.

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我们将贴出模型的解法。And we will post the model solutions.

此外,作者还提出了第三种解法——枚举法。Besides, a third method is put forward.

你们刚才看到,在单摆中,我的解法。You've just seen how I did it with the pendulum.

碱裂解法提取质粒。Plasmid DNA was extracted by alkaline lysis method.

这个微分方程的,解法是什么呢?What would a solution be to this differential equation?

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同时,他继承了前辈花拉子米关于一元二次方程的解法。And he inherited al-Khwarizmi's solution to quadratic equation.

本文介绍了一种平面流动的快速欧拉方程解法。A fast Euler Solver for planar flows is developed in this paper.

本文提出了双点后方交会的一种解法。The formulae of double-points resection are derived in the paper.

本文讨论KDV方程定界问题的数值解法。In this paper, we discuss the numerical solution of KDV equations.

本文提出了基础梁的积分方程解法。The method of solving integral equation is presented in this paper.

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iF设计大奖点亮日常问题的绝妙解法iF Design Awards Highlight Brilliant Solutions to Everyday Problems

物理老师给我们的这道题只能有一种解法。The problem our physics teacher gave us allows of only one solution.

在数学中,当你看到许多值的解法时,这些就是特征值。In math, when you see multiple value solutions, these are eigenvalues.

给出了一般解法和它们的近似解。This paper gives two kinds of solution and their approximative formula.

首先我们要学习怎么证明它,以及更多解法,还有例子。We will first see how to prove this, more ways to do it, more examples.

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本文给出中国邮路问题的一个解法。In the paper, a solution method of the Chinese postman problem is given.

那许多解法得出,离散的值。And the plurality of solutions have discrete values associated with them.

应用酶解法从小麦细胞壁中提取出低聚糖。Plant oligosaccharides were enzymatically extracted from wheat cell walls.