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一个欠缺重迭着另一个欠缺。One lack is superimposed upon the other.

这部影片还有很多欠缺。There are many shortcomings in the film.

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动平衡机导轴承欠缺。Guide bearing of dynamic balancing machine.

欠缺爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。Life without love like a tree without bloom or fruit.

这些混合物可以全面改善HLB,包括稳定性方面的欠缺。This can modify the global HLB inducing poor stability.

让你的用户直接告诉你页面欠缺的是什么!Let your visitors tell you what’s missing from the page!

语言能力严重欠缺的未受过教育的人。Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient.

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另外,卢西奥是我们欠缺的那类防守球员。In addition, Lucio was the type of defender that we lacked.

这会体现出你欠缺诚信和对工作的奉献精神。This will reflect poorly on your perceived honesty and dedication.

现在所欠缺的就是美国发挥这一角色的作用。And what'sbeen missing has been the United States playing that role.

在性的感受方面有所欠缺,不能很好享受性的美好。They are deficient in enjoying sex thing and its pleasant sensation.

较令我失望的是书中欠缺了艺术科的部分。To my disappointment , in this part of the book he ignores the arts.

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塞斯克给西班牙奉献了致命一传,这正是他们上半场所欠缺的。Cesc gave Spain the final ball that it was lacking in the first half.

此外,欠缺考虑的行动或言论也可能破坏完美的关系。Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship.

有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估他们所拥有的。Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

小产权房实际上是因规则欠缺而导致的各利益主体之间的博弈。Actually it is a game short of rule between the different interest bodies.

我们应用科学办理体系处理质料欠缺及其调治。We use Scientific-management system for material shortage and its control.

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我们应用科学管理体系处理资料欠缺及其调节。We use Scientific-management system formin theerial shortage it's control.

唔,好吧,他的成绩不错,但他在课外的邪恶表现有所欠缺。Hmmm, well, his grades are good, but he's lacking in evil extracurriculars.

不朽之人的典质能够作为办理食物欠缺的捷径。The immortal man's mortgage can be a shortcut to resolve the food shortage.