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水质在发生变化吗?Is water quality changing?

水质清澈,无污染。Water clean and pollution-free.

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第一呢是因为三娘湾这里水质特别好。In the Sanniang Bay is very good.

泥河水质具有季节性变化。The water quality has seasonal variation.

中华人民共和国海水水质标准。Criteria of Seawater Quality of the P. C. C.

夏季时水质会变坏。Water quality can deteriorate in the summer.

土地侵蚀确实也是水质的一个主要危害Erosion also does major harm to water quality.

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如果你对水质有特殊要求,那就买个净水设备吧。If you need special water, buy a water filter.

这水质不一样,使我喝了腹痛。The difference of water makes me feel bellyache.

自来水水质太硬,请购买一台软水器。Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.

磨盘山水库整体水质情况良好。Water in Mopanshan reservoir is in good condition.

微囊藻毒素将成为衡量水质好坏的指标之一。Microcystins are one of indicators for water quality.

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在许多地区符合水质标准的水短缺。Many areas are short of water that meets the standard.

表面贴装LED灯。黄色。镜头类型水质清澈。Surface mount LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type water clear.

本命令适用于南区水质管制区。This order applies to the Southern Water Control Zone.

你对建议的水质指标检讨方法有何意見?What are your views on the proposed review approaches?

其他作物和禾本科植物也可以保护水质。Other plants and grasses also help protect water quality.

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东江水水质一直备受批评。The quality of the Dongjiang water has long been critised.

我们研究了那里的水质,并在其中发现了这种能够吞噬硫化物的细菌。We studied the water and found bacteria that eat sulfides.

饮用水水质标准不断进行完善。Standards for drinking water have been improved continuously.