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那边有个雨花石博物馆。There's a Yuhua pebble museum.

南京的雨花石也很著名哦!The stone is also very famous Nanjing Oh!

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上等的雨花石是一种玛瑙。The first-class Yu-hua-shi is a kind of agate.

外国朋友们,回去时,不要忘记带几个雨花石回去哦!Foreign friends, go back, do not forget to bring back a few stone Oh!

雨花石层的时代长期以来有争论,有归于上新世也有认为是中新世。The age of the Yuhuashi Bed has been a topic of long debate, either Pliocene or Miocene.

雨花石不仅具有特殊的美学观赏价值,而且还具有丰富的文化内涵。The rain-flower pebble is not only of aesthetic value, but also of rich cultural meanings.

小部分的雨花石已被用于花园装饰和水族馆用石。Lesser quality stones have been used in quantities in ornamental gardens and as aquarium stones.

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为呈现雨花石真实的、独一无二的美学价值,最好采用独立或以小型组合的方式进行观赏。The stones are best appreciated individually or in small groups for their truly unique and aesthetic beauty.

该石近似雨花石,呈红、黄、白、绿、紫、黑等色,五彩斑斓,散落于玛瑙河滩。The stone River stones, red, yellow, white, green, purple, black and other colors, colorful, scattered in Onyx River.

多数的中国雨花石不需切割、抛光、雕刻或切片,在发现它们时,其美已被揭示无遗。Most rain flower pebbles are not cut, polished, tumbled, carved, or sliced. They are found with their beauty already revealed.

此次,来自中国南京的友石轩赏石艺术工作室提供了250多块雨花石和观赏石在此展出,与布里斯班市的公众分享赏石艺术的乐趣。The exhibition of more than 250 stones gave FXVSAW a chance to share the interest of rain flower pebbles and viewing stones with the Brisbane community.

石头在雨的滋润下,变得圆滑漂亮富有灵气,变成一块雨花石,许多年以后那石头行动自如,却找不到雨的踪影。Stone in the rain, become smooth beautiful rich aura, turning into a stone, many years later that the stones move freely, but could not find a trace of rain.

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两边铺筑雨花石健康道,以精湛的陶瓷艺术、深厚的文化底蕴和美丽的园林景观构成了世界独特的风景线。Paving stone on both sides of the health, with exquisite ceramic art, the profound cultural and beautiful landscape of the world constitute a unique landscape.

我厂主要生产各种规格的雨花石、五彩石产品和礼品以及多种规格鹅卵石滤料和石英砂,深受国内外用户青睐。Our factory is a , produces all kinds of rain flower stones, multicolored stones, pebbles and quartz sand for near 20 years, and our production is extend all over the world.

我厂是雨花石专业生产厂家,已有近二十年历史,主要生产各种规格的雨花石、五彩石产品和礼品以及多种规格鹅卵石滤料和石英砂,深受国内外用户青睐。Rain flower stone, a kind of natural agate stone, is also called ornamental stone or lucky stone. She is regarded as national treasure, and produced mainly in Luhe, Nanjing city.