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作为一个死胡同青年成员。As a member of the dead-end youth.

不要开进去,这是个死胡同。Don't drive in. This is a dead end.

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这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。The blind alley ended in a brick wall.

我准保他在这死胡同里。I'll answer for it that he is in the blind alley.

是郊区中产阶级生活的静止的死胡同?The cul-de-sac stasis of life in the suburban middle class?

豁达大度,就卟至于转入死胡同或牛角尖。Huodataidu on porphyrin As for the Horn into a blind alley or.

几乎仅仅是商品的时装,总感觉像是一个死胡同。Fashion that is just about merchandise always feels like a dead end.

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最初的尝试导致他们进入了死胡同,或者返回到起点。Initial attempts lead to dead-ends yor a return to the starting point.

吃掉自己后代的动物,他们的基因走进了生物学的死胡同。The animal that eats its offspring, those genes are a biological dead end.

死胡同,尽头是一个卖柳条筐的小商店。They faced a dead end, terminating in a small shop selling wicker baskets.

要走出中国自己钻入的死胡同没有什么好办法。There is no good way out of the corner into which China has painted itself.

大多数营地的布局则是在郊区的环绕中,甚至有一些死胡同。The layout of most campsites embrace a suburban plan, even with cul-de-sacs.

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虽然对ALH84001的研究确实像许多人说的是死胡同,但这项研究还是值得去做的。Even if ALH84001 really is the dead end some argue, the work has been worth it.

许多二维码只是简单地将用户重定向到了公司主页上,换言之,这不过是个死胡同。Many simply redirect users to a corporate homepage -- a dead end in other words.

警方对匪徒们穷追不舍,最后终于在一个死胡同里将其捉获。The police kept after the bandits until they finally trapped them in a cul-de-sac.

后来他们采取行政诉讼的途径,但也是一条死胡同。Then they explored administrative appeal avenues, which turned out to be a dead end.

“既得利益者让日本农业走入死胡同”,齐藤先生叹道。“Vested interests are running Japanese agriculture into a wall, ” Mr. Saito, 52, said.

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正如这期杂志一些来稿者所指出的,这一理论似乎预示出永远的死胡同。As some journal contributors noted, the theory would seem to predict constant deadlock.

在任何情况下,汉利都无法审查比罗的第一手证据,调查进入死胡同。In any case, Hanley, unable to examine Biro’s evidence firsthand, had reached a dead end.

他说,这种动物虽然是全球环境保护的象征,但作为物种本身,它已经走进了进化的死胡同。The symbol of global conservation, he said, had lumbered down an evolutionary cul-de-sac.