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我们损失了金钱,但是吃一堑长一智,我们会成功的。We lost money here.

军队损失惨重。The army lost heavily.

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蒸发器热损失少。The heat loss is less.

损失3架飞机。Three planes were lost.

蠕变与弹性损失。Creep and elastic losses.

当然,没去达沃斯是我的损失。Of course, it is my loss.

他的确在翻山越岭时损失一营He lost it in the mountains.

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宁可遭损失,不取不义财。Prefer loses to unjust gain.

损失可观。The losses are considerable.

这样你就白白损失了。And you will lose your money.

如果他们破产,我们共担损失。If they go bust, we all lose.

也就是说,没有人独自承担损失。That is, nobody suffers alone.

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这项损失使老人身心交瘁。The loss broke up the old man.

我们对他的损失深表同情。We condole with him on his loss.

另一个损失在前甲板上!Another loss is on the forecastle!

损失估计达1000元人民币。Damaged were assessed at 1000 RMB.

叫我来弥补损失是不可能的。It is impossible for me to recoup.

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原告被判给损失赔偿费。The plaintiff was awarded damages.

我估计那项损失达8000元。I estimate the damage at 8000 yuan.

不过,另一些人却损失信心并猬缩了。Others however lose heart offer in.