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我会为你分忧解劳。I'll take Ur part.

她总是为我分忧。She always shares my worries.

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珍惜宝贵生命,让我倾听分忧!Cherish your life. We're here to listen!

友谊能够添乐,也能够分忧。Friendships multiply joys, and divide grieves.

平日忙里又忙外,为我分忧解心烦。On weekdays in the busy and busy, for I through.

好的政客上台后与民分忧。Good politician solves the problems of the people.

与人同乐则乐倍之,与人分忧则忧半之。Shared joy is double joy and share sorrow is half-sorrow.

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同乐则乐倍之,分忧则忧半之。Shared joy is double joy and shared sorrow is half sorrow.

当黑暗来临,苦难遍地,我会为你分忧解劳。I take your part when the darkness comes. And pain is all around.

我会替丈夫分忧解难。I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

而每个人真正需要的是一个能够互相解担分忧的精神伴侣。And everyone really need is a mutual solution to share the spirit of Soul mate.

愿你笃诚的信仰和为你分忧的朋友们的爱心支撑你。May the depth of your faith and the love of those who share your loss sustain you.

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凭借其巨大的市场份额,尼克斯队甚至一直在为夏洛特山猫队分忧。With their market share, the Knicks are essentially subsidizing the Charlotte Bobcats.

如果看见你是新人,而且你乐于接受帮助的话,他们就会帮你分忧。They'll cut you some slack when they see that you're new and you're open to being helped.

不要因为他的坚强而忽视他,请因为他的坚强多为他分忧。Never omit something because he is strong, but do more things for him because he is strong.

青岛膜结构为客户解决难题,为顾客分忧,全方位的满足用户需求!Weida machinery to solve problems for customers, for customers to share the full range to meet the needs of users!

有的同伴,为了口腹之欲,与朋友分忧,共同执剑反抗敌人。There is a companion who condoleth with his friend for his belly's sake, and he will take up a shield against enemy.

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分忧解愁母亲总是说,成功并不就是赚钱。成功是做有益于他人的事。Time for Everyone. Success wasn't just making money, Mama always said. Success was doing something positive for others.

曾获奖的DiGRO等机器人可以为没时间陪孩子的家长分忧。Other robots, such as the award-winning "DiGRO" can support busy parents who have little time to play with their children.

虽然言语不能表达我们内心欲诉情感,仍愿你知道我们今天都为你分忧。Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today.