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这确实像是打开了水闸。It does seem to open the floodgates.

水流经水闸时十分流急。Water went rushing through the lock gates.

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过剩的水将会通过水闸排放到海里去。Excess water will drain through sluices into the sea.

供应及安装净化回收水闸阀门。Supply and install clarifier recycling sluice valves.

雨倾盆而下,犹如天上的水闸打开了。It rained as if the flood-gates of Heaven were opened.

供应及安装净化污泥出路水闸阀门。Supply and install clarifier sludge outlet sluice valves.

如果这本书被允许出版,水闸将被放开。If this book is allowed to be published the floodgates will open.

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当他们来到水闸时,哈里斯已是汗流浃背,骂不绝口。Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock.

周日晚上,超过1400艘船被困在一个水闸。On Monday evening, more than 1,400 vessels remained stuck at a lock.

用三维样条边界无法分析水闸闸室结构。We analyse the sluice chamber by 3-D spline boundary element method.

前方出现了一个大水闸似的建筑,拦腰横跨在铁道上。Up ahead appeared something like a sluice gate, straddling the tracks.

目前有960艘船被困在水闸下方,460艘船在水闸上方。Currently there are 960 vessels stuck below the lock, and 460 above the lock.

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围海工程一般包括海堤、水闸、堵口三部分。Generally reclamation engineering includes seawall, sluice and final closure.

在干旱季节,余和同事们会被派往水闸,此时水利委员会对水量供应做出的决策几乎生死攸关。Yu and his colleagues are dispatched to sluice gates during times of drought.

水闸闸室稳定分析是水闸设计中的主要工作之一。The stability analysis of gate chamber is one of the main contents of gate design.

水闸的分级管理,在水闸建设立项时予以确定。The tiered management of sluices shall be determined in project filing of sluice construction.

这些水闸会将船只抬升到巴拿马运河位于大西洋出口处的加顿人工湖的高度。These locks raise a ship to the level of Gatun Lake at the canal entrance on the Atlantic side.

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位于湖东部,以水闸为基础,建造了一个轩内有闸,轩外有景的景观。Dragon Gate scenic area is located in the east of lake, which is built on the basis of waterlocks.

从水闸的设计、施工到运行还存在一些急需解决的问题。A lot of practical problems have to be solved in the design, construction and operation of sluices.

这条河建造了一系列新的河堤和水闸,最近才通内河客轮。This river was only recently made accessible to riverboat traffic by a new series of dams and locks.