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你炒菜,煎饼都用炒菜锅。You're a wok user.

煎饼是什么东西?What's a flapjack ?

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我想吃肉丸子和煎饼。I want meatballs and pancakes.

她经常吃面条和煎饼。She often has noodles and pancakes.

你愿意吃煎饼里夹生菜吗?想。Would you like lettuce in pancakes?

薄煎饼的直径应该是三英寸A pancake is three inches in diameter.

我烤了一些薄煎饼。你觉得怎么样?I've baked some pancakes. What do you say?

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你想吃甜的薄煎饼还是咸的?Do you want a sweet pancake or a salty one?

我没有发现他是这么不喜欢吃玉米煎饼。I didn't realize he hated burritos so much.

我要薄煎饼和香肠早餐。I'd like the pancakes and sausage breakfast.

有些女生胸部平的像薄煎饼。Some girl students look as flat as pancakes.

在这三天里还没有售出的印度煎饼的数量是多少?How many roti canai were not sold in three days?

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在这三天里还没有售出的印度煎饼的数量是多少?How many roti canai sold altogether in three days?

煎饼一直滚,找一个地方藏起来。Pancake rolled along, looking for a place to hide.

一份的薄煎饼的直径应该是三英寸One serving of pancake is three inches in diameter.

表1显示印度煎饼在三天里的销售量。Table 1 shows the sales of roti canai in three days.

天津的特产是煎饼和麻花。Tianjin's specialties are battercake, twist dessert.

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油炸煎饼,翻下煎饼,把它放在盘子里!Fry the pancake, toss the pancake, put it on a Plate!

你知道这些是世界上最好吃的薄煎饼。You know that these are the best pancakes in the world.

右边的这片薄煎饼是一种未发酵面包。The chapatti on the right is a kind of unleavened bread.