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我位于什么目录内?What directory am I in?

照片为位于平湖的一座发电站。A power plant in Pinghu.

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位于文明路。Nestled in Wen-ming Road.

巴黎位于塞纳河畔。Paris stands on the Seine.

位于23500点的支撑是弱的。Support at 23500 was weak.

这个镇位于厦门的东南边。The town to the of Xiamen.

所有的镶嵌都位于正中央。All inlays are dead-center.

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公司位于上海市虹口区。Shanghai Yitai Material Co.

维堡,位于丹麦,是一座拥有悠久历史的老城镇。Viborg is a city in Denmark.

他的红房子位于小山上。His red house stands on hill.

印度位于中国迤南。India locates southern china.

它位于越秀公园内。It is located in Yuexiu Park.

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那个村庄位于一个山谷。The village lies in a valley.

他是位于洛,意大利。He is located in Lodi , Italy.

位于硬件的某个地方。It's elsewhere on my hardware.

新增了位于铜锣湾利园的办公室!New Office in The Lee Gardens!

该指数目前位于170.The index is currently at 170.

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灯塔位于正东方某处。The lighthouse bears due east.

他们位于大脑皮层的下面They're underneath the cortex.

那么这病“位于”何处?Where is the illness "located?