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无论是警告或者抚爱。In warning or in love.

在那种痛苦中,有人服侍,便是有人抚爱。To be served in distress is to be caressed.

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一路上,每当我们看见小猫时,就愈加深了我抚爱它的愿望。With every cat we saw, the feeling deepened.

你又想起那抚爱的温存。Youll remember the sweetness of our caresses.

她母亲的抚爱安慰了那个哽咽着的女孩。Her mother's loving caress comforted the sobbing girl.

我不会在您抚爱我时显得清高和冷漠。I will not remain aloof and indifferent when you pet me.

他需要温柔的眼光和抚爱,需要得那么多,从来不感到过分。He needed soft looks and caresses too much ever to be impudent.

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在那种痛苦中,有人服侍,便是有人抚爱。他还缺少什么呢?To be served in distress is to be caressed. Does he lack anything?

我的心,同着它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,盼望着要抚爱这个阳光熙。My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green.

你去住在一个大城市里,还有你那位英国姑娘抚爱你。You go to live in a big city and have your english girl there to cuddle you.

与孩子谈论死亡时,看着孩子的眼睛,轻轻地抚爱着他。Look into the child's eyes and touch the child gently when discussing a death.

我的心,同着它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,渴望着要抚爱这个阳光熙。My heart, beats by dr dre price, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green.

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我的心,同著它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,渴望著要抚爱这个阳光熙和的绿色世界。My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

我们穿着高档服装,玩着电子玩具,整天沐浴在父母抚爱中长大。We wear high-end clothing, playing electronic toys, bath grew up in parents caress all day.

我的心,同着它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,巴望着要抚爱这个阳光熙和的绿色全国。my heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

我的心,随着拍岸波浪的歌声,渴望抚爱这阳光普照下的绿色世界。My heart , with its lapping waves of song , longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

心似冰冻,只因缺少你的抚爱。亲爱的,惟有你是生命活力,于一片茫茫死寂中。Frozen inside without your touch without your love. Darling, only you are the Life among the dead.

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我没理睬它不知害羞地央求我抚爱它,跳过它的身子,全速朝黄色的校车奔去。I ignored his shameless begging for affection, hurdled over him and sprinted1 for the waiting yellow bus.

昔日的记忆奇妙而美好,浸透了眼泪和昨日微笑的安慰和抚爱。Theirmemory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears, andcoaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday.

他躺在那儿打盹,她用手抚摩着他的头发,低头看他闭上的眼睛,尽情地抚爱着他。He lay and dozed, while she fondled his hair, looked down on his closed eyes, and loved him without reserve.