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从依赖到独立,从束缚到自由,浮光掠影般。From dependence to independence, To free from restraint, Like surface.

多数人不见太阳,至少,只是浮光掠影。Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing.

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恰恰相反,这里只是浮光掠影地涉及了一下这个几乎无限深广的话题。Rather, it's a surface-level look at an almost infinitely wide and deep topic.

你是左眼睛,我是右眼睛,一起看红尘浮光掠影。You are left eye, I am right eye, see together the world of mortals FuGuangLveYing.

你只需看见,它被美所包围,隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影之中。如果你不停留片刻,也许就会与它擦肩而过。U just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of ur life.

在应该仔细观察之刻,浮光掠影而过就会导致我们误判形势。We misread a situation because we are skimming it, when what we should be doing is perusing it.

青春浮光掠影般走过我的年华,倒影在时间的旅途上,变成了一些文字。Fleeting youth passed me as a time of reflection at the time of the journey into some of the text.

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你只需看见,它被美所包围,隐藏在你生命中的浮光掠影之中。You just have to see, that it"s wrapped in beauty, and hidden away between the seconds of your life."

让心爱的他若有若无自然而然的在亲爱的妈妈眼里浮光掠影而过,留下片刻印象。And then your beloved will float over your dear Mom's eyes involuntarily and leave a moment impression.

那圣洁的孩子在乏味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

双方的互动,邮件和电话让我们感受到另一个人的存在——但是这只是他们的一些浮光掠影。Both in-person and email or voice contact give us a sense of the other individual- but this is only a brief snapshot of who they may be.

尽管只是浮光掠影,但却给我很多震动。我深深感觉到,中国和美国的教育,尤其是小学教育,的确有巨大差异。Though not too thorough, those memories still strike me in that the great differences in educational theories between China and America, especially in elementary schools.

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而在理论界尽管目前已有一些学者将目光聚焦于此,但大部分文章只是作浮光掠影的概述,鲜见对特情剧文本内涵作深入分析的作品。In the theoretical circle some scholars focus on this topic, but most articles are just superficial description. There are rare works which analyze the spy films in depth.

其中的原因,主要来自传统的影响,还在于资产阶级知识分子的民主宣传浮光掠影、急功冒进。That was mainly because of the impact of the old feudal tradition and additionally of superficial propaganda of democracy by the bourgeois clerisy. Rome was not built in a day.

很久以前,我想知道爱是什么,若你愿意,它就近在咫尺,你只需看见,它为美所包围隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影之中。Once upon a time, i wanted to know what love was. Iove is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

请把音量尽量调大,或者戴耳机仔细倾听,草率而浮光掠影式的倾听,会遗漏掉那些细微的,唱片真正出彩之处。Don't be afraid to turn the volume up high or to listen carefully with headphones because the nuance and that make the album so successful tends to avoid cursory, superficial listening.